Wrecking Crew Maps

Here you can find several levels that I designed for Wrecking Crew, a lesser known Mario game on the NES with a great feature to design your own levels. Feel free to try them out and see if you can beat them. I have converted the symbols into a text format with black text on white to make this easy to print! I have also given a rough estimate of the difficulty levels.
The key to the symbols is as follows:

_ = Platform        (blank) = empty space
H = Normal Ladder         P = Pillar
1 = Brick Wall - 1 hit    O = Oil Drum
2 = Brick Wall - 2 hits   r = Red Gotchawrench
3 = Brick Wall - 3 hits   v = Violet Gotchawrench
# = Brick Ladder          e = Eggplant Man
b = Bomb                  S = Foreman Spike
D = Door                  M = Mario

Levels and difficulty:

   Level 1:        Level 2:        Level 3:
     Easy          Mod. Easy       Mod. Hard

|  2 b b b  1|  | Mb2222222b |  |  11112M   r|
| 33 H     # |  | 2 1    O #b|  |  ObOOOOOO3 |
|23  H     # |  |  1#131HPO# |  | bPPPPPPPPHO|
|2  DH   32# |  | 11 S2vHO # |  |PSb11111  eP|
|  #r122  e# |  |1 P3r #1P # |  |#D  111  v3 |
|   DH   O # |  |# 3 HD#11 # |  | D Hb33333bb|
|  H b   H # |  |  2111Dr# # |  |3 b  OHr11D |
| MHOP111PO#r|  |Ob111111PO# |  |O# bOPPb222b|

   Level 4:        Level 5:        Level 6:
   Mod. Hard       Mod. Easy       Mod. Hard

|O31S    r  M|  | b3333333bMe|  |vb3333333be |
|O  OH 3#11 #|  |bPPPPPPPPP3b|  |bPPPPPPPPP3b|
| 1OPP11vO 2 |  |#b3333333b e|  |O#MD 2r111be|
|1    # 1P1H |  |bPPPPPPPPP3b|  |P11v  1111bO|
|# O 1#e11D  |  |#b3333333be |  |1 #S1Dr #1bO|
|  P  3122 H |  |bPPPPPPPPP3b|  |O  OH   #  b|
|O3#O33HOreHD|  |vb3333333bre|  |O2OPPD   Hb3|
|bb323222222#|  |bPPPPPPPPP3b|  |Ob b bH3OPP#|

More maps will be up soon!

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