A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Bionic Commando
Easily defeat reactor guards
Anytime that you fight a shielded bionic guy guarding
the reactor, as seen in bionic1.gif, just head directly to the right, firing
at the reactor. He will respond by shooting up his bionic arm, throwing
you back - But this causes no damage. It also stalls him until you have
time to get back over there, at which point he does it again. In
other words, he wastes time and you lose no damage as you plunk away at
the reactor.
Skip long speech
Ever get tired of sitting through that long-winded
essay in Safe Area 15? Attach to the upper ledge with your arm, as
shown in bionic2.gif, just before he pops onto the screen, and swing to
the right. If done properly you'll go over his head and not have
to listen to his blatherings, as shown in bionic3.gif.
Get orange communicator early
You can get the Orange communicator early, either
by shooting in Safe Area 15 to get rid of the walls, and avoiding the paratroopers,
or by using your arm on the lower level, aiming at the block of orange
rock between the two barriers, and popping up on the far ledge, as seen
in bionic4.gif.
Blaster Master
Boss Room Glitch
One time when I was playing it, I walked into
one of the bosses room and just as the game was about to seal off the door
behind me I walked out of the room. I must have been extremely lucky, because
the game combined rooms and the boss who usually moves around a lot was
stuck inside the wall and I could still get hits on him.
Easily destroy bosses
When you get to fight the boss, shoot him with the grenades, I think
the button is the B button. Anyway when you hit the boss press start to
pause. the boss should be blinking, don't unpause until like 20 seconds,
after you unpause the boss should be dead. This trick works on all bosses
except the crab/lobster and the final boss.
Acid Burn Mode
Beat level 4 and
get to the boss on level five without losing a life. When you get to him and
he's comming in to the room flashing hold reset and SLOWLY push the game
down. Let your self die. When it says Left 2 release the reset button and
the game cart at the same time. Then hold reset again and push the cart back
in. As soon as you put it back in relase reset and press power twice. This
screws up the games colors.
Beat Boss on level five easily
As soon as you see this boss run and get behind him. You will get hurt.
Do the level 2,4,ect. boss code(move forward so the grenade hurts)You can't
be flashing from getting hurt. Leave it be and unpause and quickly move
out of there! If done right you should have almost no health, a
headache, and the diving bell. Warning: This code has caused The game to
freeze but only when you are dying doing it so hurry it up!
A Boy and his Blob
Super shortcut!
With this shortcut, you can finish the game in roughly
20 minutes! Start out the game as usual and work your way down to the part
where you would normally knock out a spider web with a cinnamon blow torch. On
this screen, feed your blob a punch jellybean to create a hole. Now stand near
the blob, and press B to whistle, then quickly fall into the hole before
the blob retains his regular form. If timed right, you'll be partially through
the floor. Now here's where the glitch kicks in: Run to the right side of the
screen but let go of the control cross just before you reach the edge. You will
now warp to another section of the cave way off to the left! At this point,
press right on the control cross to land safely onto ground. It will take a
long time for your blob to catch up with you, so it's best to use up a Ketchup
jellybean to make him appear nearby.
Now just work your way back up out of the cave, picking up a few treasure
bags along the way, and use the apple jack to remove the sewer cover. Run to
the shop to claim your goods. You won't get much stuff since you skipped most
of the treasures, but you'll have just enough to beat the game, including the
lime jellybean. Use a root beer rocket and blast off to the blob's world and
conquer the game in record time! Programmer's Easter eggs!!
Use the trick above to create holes in the ground
after you have reached the blob's world. Depending on where you place the holes,
you may find where the programmers hid some secret text! Some of the text
appears in the ending, while other text seems to be idea the programmers had
in some early beta stage. Make sure to check them all out!
Captain Comic
Stay alive
If you run out of
energy but continulously jump you can still move and
it won't count you as dead until you hit the ground
for a short while. Great for moving further in rooms
if you lost your life.
My FAQ / Walkthrough!
If you have ever struggled against some of the tougher
bosses in Castlevania, you won't anymore. I have created a handy
text guide to help you through the game. Since
I have beaten the game on one life, I figured it was time to make one. Inside
you'll find multiple strategies for each boss in the game so that you can
choose which strategy you like best. Even the toughest bosses will be a piece
of cake. :-) And for those of you who have already beaten the game and are
looking for more to do in the game, my guide also includes the locations of all
the hidden bonus items in the game, including some which are exclusive to the
second quest. Don't fear the Reaper anymore!
Disable music in first level
To disable the music in the first level, all you have
to do is let the third demo play. You can press Start to cut the first two
demos short if you wish. At any point while the third demo plays, press Start
to cut out of it and press Start again to play. No music will play in the first
level until you either die or reach the first boss.
Flashing statue
During any of the demos, wait until you see Simon pick
up a whip upgrade. The moment he picks one up, press Start to get out of the
demo and then start a game. At the beginning, you'll briefly see a statue
change colors before Simon appears.
Continuous jumping & whipping
After defeating any boss, just touch the ball and
hold the A and B buttons. Simon will continuously jump and whip until the
fanfare finishes, then he will freeze in place as you are awarded points.
Collect bonus item without touching it!
At the beginning of stage 4, climb up the first set of
stairs and whip the two blocks on your right. After you have cleared the two
enemies, walk into the gap you created to unveil the bonus item. Normally you'd
go downstairs to collect it, but skip it instead. Walk up the stairs to the
next screen and you'll automatically collect the bonus due to a wraparound
glitch in the game. Cool!
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
Suspended in Time?!
With this password, you may be wondering if I
found a way to make time stand still. It's not possible to achieve this
during the normal course of the game. I cracked the password system, and
this is the only password you'll ever need:
You will have all the items in the game and full
experience PLUS you'll start out on the first day! That's right, you get
everything in zero days!
Jump higher than normal
Ordinarily you can only jump a height of two blocks,
but if you crack your whip in mid-air, it is possible to jump three blocks
Fall through floors!
Stand on a platform that is exactly two blocks
higher than the one next to it. One great place to try this is at the very
beginning of the game, off to the left. Slowly begin to fall off the higher
platform, but crack your whip just as you begin to fall. If your timing
is perfect, you'll end up falling through the floor! Be careful as it is
possible to get killed or even stuck in some places with no way out! This
glitch can lead to hidden areas in the game, especially in some of the
Warp to Draculas Castle
Here is a cool glitch that I found, for one of
the all time greatest NES games, Castlevania 2. Go to the left of Deborah
Cliff with the red crystal and kneel. Make sure that there is one of the
flying heads coming towards you. If you have the timing right, the enemy
will hit you just as the tornado is coming to take you away, and the tornado
will leave you stuck in the wall. To get to Draculas Castle though, you
have to jump out as fast as possible and the game graphics will mess
up, and you will be in a messed up version of the first room of Draculas
Castle. When you get to Dracs lair, the graphics return to normal. If you
are unlucky, you will get stuck in the wall and have to reset, this happens
to me all the time. Just practice and you will be able to get to Draculas
Castle without clearing the last 2 mansions.
Warp from Camilla Cemetary to Joma Marsh
Yes, you can indeed leap the wall behind the merchant selling the silk bag in
the Camilla Cemetary! This graveyard is located left of the town past the
Dead River and down the stairs. Get near the wall and jump into the air just
as a blob is about to hit you. With excellent timing and luck you'll be
bumped to the top of the wall and transported to the Joma Marsh! Don't stress
if it doesn't work the first time because it does take several attempts to
pull it off. This is a very odd trick and I guess can be sort of helpful.
Jump the spikes
A strange glitch or bug or what you would call it but its easy (and
go to any castle and find a wall with deadly spikes and move so only
your feet touches the spike a litle and start jumping.
You will start jumping the spikes.
Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse
Hidden Worlds Glitch
NOTE: I did not find this glitch on my own, therefore,
I cannot take credit for it. However, I have seen it
mentioned on various sites, but I don't believe I've
seen it on this one, yet, so here goes:
Play Castlevania 3 until you reach the Clock Tower and
defeat Grant. Allow Grant to join you once you've
defeated him. Now, when you begin to make your way
back down the tower, make sure you're playing as
Trevor when you reach the first set of stairs going
down. Walk slowly down the stairs. Now, here comes the
tricky part: Press Select to switch to Grant *just* as
Trevor is about to walk down off the screen. Trevor's
feet should be together, at the very bottom of the
screen, and if you did it correctly, once he
transforms into Grant, he should automatically walk
down onto the next screen. Now turn around and start
going back up the stairs, and just keep walking.
You'll find that you'll be able to keep going, up past
the stairs and off the screen into a glitched-up area
of the Clock Tower that you normally could not get
into. For some more interesting results, try going
back down the stairs one screen, then going back up
again. Sometimes, Grant will be repositioned on the
"invisible stairs", and thus, be able to go farther
with this glitch.
This glitch can also be performed on the first
stairway going down in Level 3, the swamp area. This
one's even better than the Clock Tower glitchy area,
because you can keep this one going longer, and you
may even end up seeing graphics from different levels
of the game! If you keep going far enough with this
glitch, you may eventually end up in a glitched-up
version of the boss room where you'd fight that huge
Bat, but the boss will not be there, and once you
enter the room, there is no way back out of it.
I have heard this works on other staircases in the
game, such as the first one on the Pirate Ship and the
last one before you get to Alucard's Boss room, but
the two above are the only ones I've actually
performed, myself. Have fun exploring these "hidden
worlds" of Castlevania 3! Crystalis
Warp Code
Hold A and B on controller 1 and Up and A on the
second controller, and you'll warp to a different town. Additionally, pressing
B on controller 2 causes the game to pause without going to the pause screen.
Warning: If you use
this on the final tower then save you will not be able to finish the game!
See locations of the warp code.
Double Dragon
Point loss glitch
Here's a glitch that causes you to lose
points! Execute a head-butt to an enemy by pressing
left twice or right twice when the hundreds digit of your score is a 9.
Instead of gaining 700 points as you should, you will end up
losing 900 points! Why does this happen? I
believe it is a faulty implementation of neglecting a carrier bit during
the conversion of hexadecimal to decimal. If you don't have a clue what
I just said, don't worry... it's not important. :)
Mission 2 boss skip
On mission 2 go up the latters until the boss appears. Then go back down two
latters and you will be warped to mission 3 without having to defeat the
Beat boss with a baseball bat
If the trick above seems too cheap, consider this as
an alterative (although it is cheap too.) :-) Near the end of stage 2, pick
up the whip from one of the Lindas. Work your way up the ladders until there
is only one Linda left. Allow her to knock the whip out of your hands. Now
defeat her, and stand by the whip. As she fades out of existence, wait for
the 4th flash, then immediately pick up the whip. If your timing is good, it
will transform into a baseball bat instead of vanishing! Enjoy the easy
battle with the boss.
Final Fantasy
Major Gold and Experience
Start a new game. Do your usual stuff of leveling up before fighting
Garland (it's a good idea to buy Cure and Harm for White Magic and Fire,
Lit and Slep for Black Magic. Get Wooden Armor for your all characters
(or cloth if they can't use it) except blackbelts, and get them weapons
suitable for them (skip the blackbelt again!))
Yeah, it's not a walkthrough. But you'll see what I mean eventually.
Walk around the strip of forest above the Castle (as shown in this
picture), and eventually, an enemy from the area past the bridge will
fight you! That's why I said to prepare first. Kick their butts for some
major Gold and Exp, but watch out!
This also works in other areas, but this is the most noticable area. Final Fantasy III (Japanese version)
Poison glitch
I know the game wasn't exactly released in america, but I found a
glitch for it nonetheless. It's simple; have 4 dragoons or less as
your party and have one of them get poisoned. Then have everyone
jump. This should make them all stay in the air, out of harm's way,
but still taking damage from the poison.
Hidden Demo
Did you that Codemasters added a demo of "Fantastic
Adventures of Dizzy" into the FireHawk cartridge? Well it's true. If you
collect enough points to get on the highscore menu (over 20,000) and then
type "DIZZY" as your name, a demo of Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy will
appear when you hit the "A" button.
Ikari Warriors
Clear levels with Invincibility!
To accomplish this trick you'll need to have two
controllers. If you don't already have both players active, use the continue
code (see below) to get the other player on the screen. Now find a tank
somewhere in the level, and have the second player get into it, while the
first player is at the top of the screen. Keep moving player 1 forward,
while making player 2 continuously exit and re-enter the tank. If you do
this right, player one will scroll the screen forward and attempt to “pass
up” the other player. The second player will mysteriously “warp” and will
not coincide with the background properly. Player 2 will now be invincible
to all enemies!
Warning: In stages
3 and 4, you will need the other player on the screen at the end of the
levels in order to clear the stages. Otherwise, you'll be stuck and forced
to reset.
Change tanks into helicopters!
Do the trick above but be careful not to completely
“pass up” the other player. If you do this in certain locations, the tank
may end up transforming into a helicopter! This is another great way to
quickly get through the levels, especially if you find some gasoline cans.
Note: If you attempt
to exit the helicopter, it may disappear!
Infinite continues
When you run out of lives, press ABBA to continue.
This will work anywhere except at the ends of stages 3 and 4.
Stage select
At the title screen, quickly enter the following
32 button code on the first controller before the demo begins. You'll need
to be quick. (U=Up, D=Down, L=Left, R=Right
on control cross)
Split up the tanks and helicopters in two
This trick is very useful when there are two players,
but only one tank or helicopter available. Have both players stand over
the tank or helicopter, let player 1 enter it, and shortly afterward, you
can let player 2 enter it as well! Note:
Only one tank or helicopter is “real”, meaning that if both players exit
their tanks, one of them will disappear.
Kid Icarus
Platform glitch
In the Overworld stages in Kid Icarus (2-1, 2-2,
and 2-3) there are floating platforms that move up and down. If you walk
slowly towards one (before it's on the screen), it'll appear on both the
right and left sides of the screen. The platform should be moving, so if
it just sits there, the glitch won't work. The platform must also be moving
up and down and when it goes down it should be going through the ground
where you normally can't pass through. Jump on the part of the platform
that's on the left side of the screen and just stand there. When the platform
goes through the ground, Pit will teleport to the right side of the screen.
Slide through a wall
In level 2-2 jump up to the second lion head statue at the beginning of the
level. Now jump up again and try to get Pit's foot caught in the lion head's mouth. Pit should stick there for a
second. As soon as you stick hold down and to the left. Pit will slide through the wall onto the right side of
the screen.
Kirby's Adventure
Infinite Mike ability
During the fight with the second
boss, you'll see many different power-ups. One of them will be the Mike
ability(it looks like a microphone). Get the boss at half health. Spitting
three items at him works best. Then, wait for the Mike to appear. Swallow it
and use it twice. For the last one jump up to the middle of the room, where
the star rod will be. When you use it there, the boss is defeated, the star
rod appears, and the game doesn't have time to acknowledge that your power
ran out. Sadly, it doesn't work for the crash ability.
The Legend of Zelda
Erase game data! (and how to avoid it)
Do not attempt this if you care about your game data.
Don't say I didn't warn you! In order to do this, all you need is a NES
Advantage controller. Turn on the game and then unplug any controller that you
have in slot #1. Now plug in your NES Advantage into slot #1. The game will
freeze at this point. Once you reset, you'll find that your data in the first
save slot will be erased!
If you wish to switch to a NES Advantage in the middle of a game and avoid
data loss, do the following: First, unplug whatever controller you have in
slot #1. Before you plug in the NES Advantage, move the switch on the
controller over to controller 2. Now you can plug the first cord into slot #1
safely, but just be sure that it's the first cord and not the second! Once it
is in safely, you can move the switch on the controller back to controller 1.
As always, take caution! Vanishing key door
This is a well-known oddity. Enter the first level of the first quest,
then immediately exit. Upon reentering, the key door at the top of the
screen will be open!
Wizzrobe at the top of the screen
This is rare, but every once in a while it is possible for a blue
Wizzrobe to go through a doorawy at the top of the screen and end up at
the top, where the map and life meter are located. If this happens, just
leave the room after killing all other enemies, then return to find the
Wizzrobe where it belongs. (Note: If there were any pink Wizzrobes in
the room, this Wizzrobe may transform into a pink one while you're out of
the room.)
Overworld music in a cave
This works best with stairway entrances in the Overworld, but normal
caves (with the fancy entrance cinema) can also be used. After making a
large transaction (such as buying the Blue Ring or uncovering a 100-Rupee
secret), leave the cave, then either reenter that cave or go into another
one. The only requirement is that the Rupee count is still
increasing/decreasing as you enter. About 50% of the time (does not work
on all occasions), the Overworld music will continue to play even while
you're indoors! If you enter a Dungeon this way, the Overworld music
will play until the dungeon is fully loaded, after which the dungeon
music takes over.
Leave a fairy fountain before reaching full health
Tired of waiting forever at the Fairy Fountain while those dumb little
hearts are circling the fountain and your Life Meter slowly increases?
Well, you cannot speed up the healing, but you can leave the fountain
before it's done. To do this, you must be in the Second Quest and have
finished the first four dungeons. Blow the whistle so that you are taken
to the location where Level 5 used to be. (Remember, whistly drop-off
locations remain at the First Quest locations, and where you can go is
dependant on which Triforce pieces you have not received, not the
onscreen level number.) When you arrive, the Fairy will start the
healing process BEFORE Link appears, and Link will actually be able to
move around, even leave the fountain. Better yet, your Life Meter
continues to go up even though the fountain isn't onscreen any longer!
(If you don't know how to control where you end up after blowing the
Whistle, here's how it works. It is dependant on which level you last
warped to. If you haven't warped before, or you have Saved since the
last time you warped, I think it assumes you last went to level 1, but I
could be wrong. Anyway, each time you blow the whistle, the game cycles
through the levels you have completed, skipping over those you have not.
If you are facing to the right or upward onscreen, the game cycles
forward through the levels. Similarly, facing left or down makes the
game cycle backwards. Then it's a simple matter of blowing the whistle
the right number of times in a row before getting picked up.) Life Force
Wraparound glitch
When you're fighting the boss of Level 3, (Cruiser
Tetron) If you go up all the way to the top of the
screen, he will follow you. When his head goes all the
way up, the screen exibits wraparound behavior and
part of his head is at the bottom of the screen.
Maniac Mansion
Hamster Cloning
If you have the first release of MANIAC MANSION
for the NES, then you can try this. First, stick the HAMSTER in the MICROWAVE,
then shut the door, and turn on the MICROWAVE. Now, without opening the
MICROWAVE, use this command, 'GET HAMSTER', a copy of the HAMSTER will
be added to your inventory, but there will also still be a HAMSTER in the
MICROWAVE. The HAMSTER in the MICROWAVE will blow up. Using this trick,
you can blow up the HAMSTER as many times as you want. If you can't get
the HAMSTER in the MICROWAVE in the first place, then you're either using
the wrong kid, or you have a later version.
Stopping Edna
Both (NES) releases of Maniac Mansion have this
This glitch will allow you to make it so NURSE
EDNA can't move and give you all the time you need to explore her room.
First you have to have one kid become WIERD ED's friend. Now place the
kid that is ED's friend in his room, and since they're friends, you won't
have to worry about him getting captured. Now, move the other kid into
EDNA's room. Now here's the tricky part, you have to switch to the kid
in ED's room, before EDNA's catches the kid in her room. If you can accomplish
this, wait 15 seconds, then switch back to the kid in EDNA's room. EDNA
will be by the door and unable to move. If you switch to another kid, or
leave EDNA's room, the effect of this glitch will disappear.
Fast ending
To recieve the quickest death in Maniac Mansion, do this: Enter the mansion
and go up the staircase. There should be a keypad hidden near the side of the
steel security door. I forget where exactly it is; I haven't played this game
for months..Anyway, find that keypad and enter '9111'. If the trick was
performed correctly, you should hear a funny 'tick-tock' tune playing.
This'll go on for 2 minutes or so, then the music will switch back to the
original music for just a split second before..THE MANSION BLOWS UP! Yes,
you've somehow activated a self-destruct program with the nuclear generator
in the basement. ..You've destroyed not only yourself and the inhabitants of
the mansion, but also everything in a 4-mile radius from nuclear radiation.
Mega Man
Repeating actions [aka START Button Glitches]
Both of these glitches involved pressing the START button, thus they're
easier to do with a slow-motion controller.
1. When you get hit, press START repeatedly. If your timing is correct,
you'll keep taking hits! Kind of makes up for the SELECT trick against
2. This one can be done when you first enter a stage or are going through
the teleporter hatches in the final stage. At the EXACT second Mega Man's
'phasing in' hits the ground, press START repeatedly. If your timing is
correct, the 'phasing in' action will repeat as long as you're pressing the
button! Super Arm glitch Sometimes when you pick up a block with the Super Arm [Guts Man's weapon,
just so you know], it will stay there even though you're already holding
one. Try standing a few pixels away from the block for this to happen. May
be useful when battling Cutman, since they are his weakness.
Mega Man 2
"Scrambled Warp" glitch
Play through Air Man's level until you get to him.
Now, fool around near the cloud. Jump around, jump at
the wall, and you might go through an invisible door.
You will end up in the second level of Dr. Wily's
castle, but all screwed up and scrambled. Since you
need the jet sled to cross the spikes, and you only
get that by beating Air Man, you have to lose all of
your lives to get out.
Mega Man 3
Invincibility and High Jumps
This trick is done easiest on MagnetMan's stage,
but will work on almost any stage.
Go up to a pit (i.e., the first pit on the magnetman
stage) and hold RIGHT and A on the second controller. Jump in the pit.
You won't die. At this point, a magnet guy should be going by overhead.
As soon as he goes by, you will lose ALL your life. But you won't be dead.
Jump. You will rocket out of the pit, and be invincible!
You can let go of the second controller, as well.
Additionally, if you hold in RIGHT and A on the
second controller, MegaMan will jump REALLY high. High Jump glitch
Use the super jump at the pengiun machine and
it will screw up!
Use Rush Marine before getting it
First get the Spark Shock
from Spark Man. Then enter any level. On the pause screen select Spark Shock
on the menu but stay on the pause screen. Then press right as if you were
selecting Rush Marine. Press start. You now have Rush Marine but it has 0
energy so you have to take weapon capsules from enemies before you can use
it. Once you have some weapon energy and you use Rush Marine in some water
and get in it will appear on the menu and be fully usable. I think this
might also work with Shadow Blade and Rush Jet but I haven't tested it.
“Undead” Mega Man
My bro and I had read in NP that you could hold -> on the 2nd controller to
get extra high jumps, and that you could jump right into pits unharmed. So
we explored it ourselves and discovered plenty.
Holding 2R (I abbreviate :) you can jump into any normal pit unharmed. Some
pits contain nastiness however, either offscreen enemies or objects that
will injure you while you're in the pit. If you lose all your life while
your in the pit, the death toll will sound and the music will stop (and
you'll see your flashing shrapnel fly around, etc ;) but you'll simply
survive (We used the term "undead" ;). When you jump out of the pit (still
holding 2R) you'll fly quite high indeed (even in 2R's standards), but it
turns out this will always be the case when you jump out of a pit, dead or
The strange things about being undead are that your P-shooter doesn't work
(it always displays your life meter as the ammo meter for your P shooter in
the inventory screen, so we presuppose that the game thinks your out of
ammo ;) which forces you to rely entirely upon your special weapons, and to
keep your ammo up. Secondly, as long as you remain undead nothing can hurt
you any further (just pester you). So, oddly enough, small energy packs
become your worst fear! :)
To add to this, the Up arrow and the A button on controller 2 have
interesting effects. I do not recall *precisely* how they work, but you
hold down one of the buttons and it will slow down the games internal event
timer, and the other will stop the internal timer completely. (I think you
actually hold both UP and A for one of those two effects. It should only
take a moment to rediscover.)
When the timer is "slowed", some (many? not all) of the enemies slow down.
When you do the thing to "stop" the timer, many of the enemies do stop. I
know that not all of the enemies are effected (I'd imagine this effects one
of many timers their AI has access to) and some are affected strangely.
For instance, I clearly recall an enemy (a large one) that would have it's
eye(s) closed and sit there for a moment. It would open it's eyes, bounce
into the air (trying to stomp you), and close it's eyes again when it
landed. A moment later it would try again. Since you can't get around this
guy when he's "asleep", using the stoptimer while he's on the ground is
fruitless. Using it while he bounces however, or using the slow timer at
all, is quite an adventure, since his timing of when he "awakens" and "goes
back to sleep" is the only thing directly affected. If you stop-timer mid
bounce, he'll land, and then keep right on bouncing like a maniac until you
let go! if you put him on slow mode he'll stay asleep unusually long, and
then wake up and bounce, but make several bounces before he goes back to
sleep again. Kill the last boss in one hit!
After beating the first form of the last boss, if you
use the Top Spin where Wily is, you'll kill him in ONE
HIT!! You may need to use a Super Jump, though.
Mega Man 4
Color glitch
I found a glitch a while back in Mega Man (whichever had Skull Man).
It's kind of tricky to do. I believe that you have to charge up a
normal particle shot and release it RIGHT as you're frozen after
defeating a boss. If you do it right, then Megaman will stay in his
freaky charge colors for the short remainder of the stage. Here is
a picture of it.
Flying Rush Marine!
For this glitch, you need to have already beaten Toad
Man, for you will get the Rush Marine from him. Go to
Dive Man's stage, and get to the point where the water
rises and sinks. Call up the Rush Marine and follow
the water as it goes up, but stay at that height when
it goes down. You're now out of the water! You can go
down, left, and right, but if you move up, you'll be
teleported back to the water.
The Moby Dick Glitch
In Dive Man's stage, use the Flash Stopper to beat the first
mechanical whale you encounter. If you destroy it in one Flash
Stopper, you may (and this is quite rare) see the whale turn white
and stay after its death. You can walk through it. In addition, the
Wire Adaptor and Dive Man will not appear in the stage, so it is
impossible to beat. Here's a screenshot.
Mega Man 6
Get Auto Charger early
Here is a password to start you off with the Auto Charger:
You don't normally get the Auto Charger until you have the Rush Power.
Invincibility, Infinite Missiles, and all Power-Ups!!
WARNING! I do not
endorse using this trick, so only use it at your own risk.
First, you'll need to have the original style
NES (spring-loaded, not the redesigned top-loading style), and your NES
unit and game pak will need to be in decent condition. If they aren't,
I highly recommend buying a cleaning kit. Now on with the trick:
Turn on the game as usual, but slowly
eject your cartridge while he power is ON. Keep doing this until you hear
a few beeps and put the cartridge back in. Now start up a new game. If
you are lucky, Samus will appear without her usual armor, but her skin
color will be green. If not, repeat the process
of ejecting the cartridge slowly
and starting a new game until you see Samus appear without the armor. You
may need to do this several times, and it seems to only happen by luck.
One way to speed up the process is to use a controller with the Slo-Mo
feature so that the Start button is repeatedly pressed. This allows you
to free up your hands so that you can constantly repeat the process of
ejecting the cartridge and putting it back in. Note: If the power flickers
on and off, then either you've ejected the game too far or your NES isn't
in mint condition. Press the Reset button if this happens.
If you are lucky enough to get Samus to appear
without armor, one of two things will happen: 1. You'll start out without any power-ups or any
special abilities (if you're not so lucky) or
You will be able to tell if the second option
occurred since your energy will always remain in the 30s and you will have
a strange form of the ice beam. No matter what you do, you cannot die unless
you run out of time in Tourian or if you use the death code (Up and A on
controller 2 while paused). Even though you have all the power-ups, the
power-up items still appear in their original locations. This trick will
last as long as you don't hit the reset button, but you can't store infinite
missiles or invincibility as a password. You can however store your power-ups
in the password. Good luck and enjoy the trick!
Super Shortcut
While I may not necessarily be the first to have
discovered this, many people may not know about this, and it works extremely
well with the trick above. Go to the room with the statues of Ridley and
Kraid. This is where you'd normally create a bridge by shooting at the
statues after defeating both bosses. As long as you have the Ice Beam,
Ball, Bombs, and Missiles, you'll never have to even meet either boss!
To take the shortcut, head for that room, but don't go in yet. Blast the
door open if you haven't already, and try to get one of the Rios to go
into the room with you. In order to do so, you'll need to get one to swoop
down near you, and jump to the left at the right time, so that it will
swoop back up near the door. This is tricky to do at first and will require
practice, but it becomes easier with practice.
With good timing you can get into the room, and
the Rio will go in with you and take off a little bit of energy. Jump when
the Rio gets close to the other side, but before it gets trapped on the
other side. Morph into a ball and fall into the lava. Freeze the Rio with
your Ice Beam when it gets close to the left side of the screen. Remember
that you can time your jumps so that the Rio appears precisely where you
want it. With a well-timed shot, you can jump on top of the Rio and then
bomb your way up to the ledge on the left. Just blast the door open and
you're on your way to Tourian! If you use this trick in conjunction with
the trick above, you can beat the game several times in a row at record-breaking
times! Samus_ beats_ Mother brain_
Here's an old password that I have decided to
reveal because of its very strange nature:
Samus_ beats_
This code takes you into Tourian without Samus's
Armor, and the Ice Beam, Screw Attack, Bombs (but no Ball), 255/220 missiles,
and 5 energy tanks. The challenge behind this is that you cannot use bombs
if you get trapped by a Metroid, so you'd better find a door quickly if
that happens!
But there is something Just in bailey
Type in Justin Bailey in caps then Put all dashes under it.
You get samus without armor and all power ups including the ball and the bombs that
you can use when you are in a ball but no ice shots. My personal Favorite code.
The Secret Worlds
To "discover" these Secret Worlds you must first learn the classic Metroid
trick known as the "Wall Jump" (or door jump):
Now once you can perform this wall jump you are ready to explore these secret
locations!! Most of these "glitched worlds" can be found in Kraids Hideout.
But the most "popular" one is located in Ridleys Hideout in the room with the
square blocks, energy tank, and invisible floor. This secret area is
absolutely HUGE and contains TWO Ridleys (if you haven't defeated him
yet)!!!!! There are MANY other secret areas but I'll let you find those...
On one final note, if you do get stuck in a wall doing this trick (and all
arrows point to YES), heres the old NES kill trick that'll take you back to
the last elevator you visited:
Password/ending debugger code This code is very simmilar to the Samus_Beats_Mother_Brain_ code
you've already go up, but with some interesting differences. By the
fast fashion you can use it to reach the end, I'm inclined to say
this was a test code of sorts for the end sequence.
For startes, the code itself. _ denotes a space.
(Yes it's in all caps)
And to think, if I'd known how to spell attack correctly back then I'd
never have found the code. :D
* You start with 111/???(235 if I remember correctly) missles, the
Ice Beam, Bombs, and 4 energy tanks
The rinkas won't provide energy however, like with your code. Another
thing I've noticed, with or without this code, is that in the
long tunnel room of Tourian, if you freeze a metroid without
destroying it and then move on, it's upcoming fellow near the floating
platforms over the lava won't show up. Sure, this only gets you out
of fighting like 2 Metroids, but still... :) The odd space When entering a password, inserting a "space" is functionally equivalent
to inserting a "dash". However, if you leave a space blank without
inserting anything, it functions as a "zero". For example, if you insert
"JUSTIN BAILEY" and follow it with six spaces, it will be as if you
inserted "JUSTIN BAILEY ------ 000000" (which is a legal password, in
case you didn't know).
Continue glitch If you continue from any password that starts you in Tourian, the plasma
rings of that level will leave behind energy and missile refills, which
doesn't usually happen.
Odd passwords Inserting "000000 00000B 000000 00000B" or "000000 00000F 000000 00000F"
will usually cause the game to freeze.
Missing Mother Brain, again Inserting the password "999999 999999 KKKKKK KKKKKK" will also remove the
Mother Brain from the end, provided you don't die first. Note that this
password removes the Varia from the game as well, so getting that far may
be a little tricky...
Mickey Mousecapade
Final door game freeze glitch
Go to the last level (the Castle) and go to the very last door, which takes
you to the Evil Queen boss. If you touch the door and get killed by an enemy
(more than likely the Walrus) all at the same time, you'll enter the Queen's
room and the game will freeze and force you to reset!! This is more of a
forewarning to a glitch not to perform!! :)
Monster Party
Go through some enemies
In level 2, you can crawl throught the mouths that
stick their tounges at you, you can crawl through the
tounges, but that's not all, in the levels with the
alligators, you can crawl thru them UNHARMED!!!
I guess they missed that one.
A Nightmare on Elm Street
Glitched Level Skip
I was on my last continue and life and I was asleep in Freddy's house when
on the protion of 9, 10 Never sleep again I died. When game over appered
It was on the Freddy attacks screen. This led into a "glitch" title
screen of Freddy attacking my teeneager (Who could not move) on the
orignal title screen. When I started the game, I was on freddys house
again, five lives and continues, at the boss! It was cool.
Paper Boy
Sound Glitch
Go to one of the houses with the trash cans on the lot
that is a subscriber. If it has a stack of papers on
it, get the stack and quickly throw a paper toward the
door. If you did it right, the sound will be one long
beep for a second. This doesn't do anything, but it's
fun to do anyway.
Power Blade
Kill bosses quickly
I have found an a glitch in the game Power Blade
for NES (at least, I don't know of anyone else that has found it). It causes
almost any boss to instantly die. Here's the set up.
First you need at least one grenade and also the
security card in order to open the door to the boss's liar. Once you have
these, go to the door to the boss liar. Now make sure that the select button
will use a grenade and not an energy tank. Open the door to the boss liar
and hit the select button repeatedly just as the message about the door
opening finishes on the top of the screen. If done correctly you should
hear the sound of the grenade going off, but it won't actually count as
firing until you're inside.... the moment BEFORE the boss has any energy!
And since the boss is at zero power and the grenade does damage... it is
counted that the boss is in the negative, and it simply explodes! This
does not work on the 4th level boss because it cannot be harmed right as
you enter. The final boss is not vulnerable to this glitch either. Pro Wrestling
Various oddities
There are a handful of things in here. First, you can actually attack
running opponents from the top rope. This works best in the upper left
corner, since you can climb the turnbuckle and come down with the wrestlers
lined up the right way. Whip your opponent to the ropes and get your behind
right up the turnbuckle. As soon as you get up there, use one of the flying
attacks. If the guy is coming back at you, and things are timed right,
you'll "run into" the guy coming back.
The next one requires you using Fighter Hyabusa(sp?) and the back brain kick
vs. the computer. If you run the ropes and get the computer to stay on the
same level as you, you can use the jumping knee attack to get the computer
to move up the screen a bit. Get the distance right and when you land,
you're in perfect position for the back brain kick.
This last one I've only seen once using the Advantage with A on turbo and
Fighter Hyabusa. Hit the piledriver and keep holding A. I don't know if I
was also holding down at the time. Before the computer finished the
piledriver animation sequence, I went right into a back brain kick with the
guy standing on his head!
Here's a screen shot from Pro Wrestling.
There's apparently a 1-frame/cycle
period of time where you do stand and the opponent is still in piledriver
mode. It had to have been at this time that I hit the back brain kick.
Never have been able to do it since. Rescue Rangers
Two glitches
Go to Zone E and go to the room where the two
jumping crates are on the ledge right before the boat.
Destroy the jumping crate on the right. Then start
lifting up the boxes on the right while being careful
not to destroy the other umping crate. After you lift
up the crate right of the jumping crate, the jumping
crate will "go inside" the normal crate. You can now
walk on the jumping crate and such without getting
Also if you beat the boss and the boss beats
you at the same time in any of the zones, then you
still will win yet you were defeated too. Ring King
Delay spinning animation into the next round
About 1 or 2 seconds before the end of the round, use a charging
hook (the one that spins the opponent around before dropping). Make sure
the spin animation does not finish by the end of the round. During the next
round, land a charging uppercut. The spin animation from before will
finish, THEN then super-uppercut animation will play.
River City Ransom
Refill health for free!
This trick is extremely handy when playing a
two player game. First you need to go to a screen that has a bottomless pit.
Let one player fall into the pit, but make sure the other player is off the
screen, heading toward a new screen. As long as you change to a new screen
before the message "Alex [or Ryan] has lot all of his power" disappears, the
player who fell into the pit will regain all of his health AND will not
lose any money! Just repeat the process for the other player and now you can
both be filled up instantly!
Illusion weapons!!
This glitch is a side effect that can occur as a
result of the previous trick. First, decide who is going to fall into the pit,
and make sure that player has a weapon. As soon as both players enter a screen
that has a pit, immediately send that player into the pit, and make
sure the other player goes back to the previous screen. If everything was done
right away, the player that fell into the pit will have his health refilled
AND he will still have his weapon! But that's not all. Your weapon is
actually not even there! You can use this illusion weapon with your A button
to hit enemies, but if you throw it with the B button, it will instantly
disappear and may sometimes end up tossing another weapon that is on the
ground! In some cases, you'll even throw a weapon out of an enemy's hands!!
If you repeat the process for the other player, both players can have an
illusion weapon. Normally there cannot be more than 3 weapons appearing on any
given screen, but with this trick, you can have 5! As long as you don't throw
your weapon or get hit in any way, this trick will last as long as you want!
Hidden pit on first screen
Start up a new game, and just move your character to
the very top-left corner, but not on top of the wall. Now just do a quick
running jump kick to the right by tapping right twice, then press A+B to jump,
then press and hold B in mid-flight. If you are quick enough with your timing,
you'll go right through the wall and off the left side of the screen and fall
to your death! It's not very useful, obviously, but it is good for a few laughs.
Continuous jump-kick trick!
This trick is very handy for getting you out of a
tight situation. Just make sure that you do NOT have the Dragon Feet
technique activated. All you have to do is perform a running jump, then as you
are just about to land, press B to kick. You'll do a quick hop and execute a
jump-kick. Now just as you are about to land from that, press B once again. If
you keep pressing the B button just as you are about to land from each hop, you
will continuously do jump-kicks for as long as you like! The timing is roughly
two presses of the B button per second. As long as you continue this technique,
the enemies around you won't even move! In the hands of a master, this can get
you out of almost any situation.
Copy another player's password instantly!
Here's a very handy trick for those times when you
want to have the same stats as your partner, or if you are entering a new
password and want to give it to both players. This even works in a one player
game. First, if you are manually entering a password for a player, go ahead
and do that first, then leave the password screen. Now go into the password
screen and decide whose stats you want to get rid of. Let this player press
A one time to overwrite the first letter of his password to a different letter.
The password is now invalid. Now go to Swap and press A. Once that is done,
just press Start on the first player's controller to leave the screen. Now both
players will have the same stats! The reason for this is that the player who
ditched his old stats now has the other player's password. However the other
player who had the better stats now has an invalid password, so it is discarded
and he is back to his original stats. You can also do this in a one-player game
by copying your stats over to the second player, so that you have a "backup"
of your stats. You can always "restore" your stats from that backup anytime
you wish. It's a whole lot better than manually re-entering 33 characters
everytime. :-)
Start with ANY item! Check out this text file for
some cracked passwords that allow you to start with any item, even ones you
cannot normally hold in your inventory! How about a Sauna or even an item
called "Nothing" or even "Main Menu"! Click the link to find out.
Enemies beat each other up!
This seems more like something that was intentionally
left in the game, rather than a true "glitch", but
it's rather funny and something I haven't seen anyone
else mention, despite the large number of people who
like this game. Start a new one-player game, and when
it begins, don't press any buttons on the controller
at all! Just let Alex stand there motionless.
Eventually, one or two enemies will run onto the
screen and attempt to beat up Alex, but the funny
thing is, the enemies can never seem to hit him! Here
are some funny things that can occur:
- If one enemy runs onto the screen without a weapon,
he may punch and kick for awhile to no avail, then
eventually turn around and run away.
- If one enemy shows up with a weapon, he may attempt
to throw the weapon at Alex, but it will miss and hit
the edge of the screen, bounce off, and the hit the
enemy himself in the head! (Really funny!)
- If two enemies without weapons show up, they may
take swings and punches at Alex, but end up hitting
each other, instead. It's even possible for one enemy
to knock out another, though it's rare. They're more
likely to give up and run off-screen.
- If two enemies show up, and at least one is carrying
a weapon, they may end up hitting each other with the
weapon. I've even seen one enemy throw the weapon,
only to have it miss and bounce off the screen and hit
the second enemy in the head!
Occasionally, an enemy may land a blow on Alex, but
for the most part, they can't, and you can watch this
funny show go on and on and on! :) Rygar
Two glitches
1. When you climb up a rope, hold down right when
he "hops" off and you'll be ducking in the air.
2. When you reach the overhead view level, you
can get on top of the grassy areas that normally aren't accessable. This
trick will pretty much work anywhere with the same type of area, but to
make things easier to explain follow the directions. From the first starting
point, walk up and take a left, then walk up and take the right path when
you come to the fork in the road. When you reach a dead end to where you
can only move to the right which takes you to the next screen, hold up
and get next to the dirt wall. Move to the right and press up on the next
screen, Rygar should walk up a little bit. Walk back to the left and you'll
be on the wall, so hold up again and Rygar should walk up even more. Walk
back to the right and hold up. Rygar should be on the grass now. If you
walk to the left again you'll be on top of the wall. Scroll to a strange place
Once you get to the last area in the game-its that castle maze in the sky
whose name I forgot, you have to blow some horn to get to it or
something-if you move immediately left to the end of the screen it looks
lke a dead end and death if you jump off the edge, but if you jump
fairly close to the edge, you end up hitting the edge of the screen and
scrolling it to a secret, weird sub area of the final area in which you
can run on top of walls and other weird things.
Red Jacket
In the game, you can get a red jacket which increases punching power. But
the main charcter has a green one at the stage select screen. Make sure your
game hasn't been played for a while and let it colect a little dust. If your
game starts with lines all over the screen, beat stage A and the guy will
wear a red jacket.
This may freeze your game.
Snake's Revenge
Weird Glitch
When you are on top of the trolleys in the Green Base
area, and have just gotten past a 2D fighting part, hold
the down button on the D-Pad before it shifts back to
overhead mode. If you did it correctly, you'll warp back
to the Green Base for some odd reason, the bad part is
that you're stuck! If you try to take the elevator back
up, you'll see that the room is all glitched up, so you
won't be able to progress any further, bummer.
Super Mario Bros.
Small and Fiery
First, go to any castle level (e.g. W1-4, W2-4, etc.), preferably one that
contains a power-up. Now get to Bowser when Mario is big. Get past him (over or under) without
getting hit and wait beside the axe. Let Bowser come toward you, and when he gets close, jump into
the air. Try to land on his head and the axe at the same time. The timing is very tricky, and will
require a lot of practice. If you time it right, you will become semitransparent like you normally
would when you're hit, but you will still be big! The reason for this is that you are frozen when
you touch the axe and don't have time to shrink. Now Mario is actually big and Regular. Now find a
power up in one of the following levels. It is actually a mushroom! Collect it to shrink! Now when
small Super Mario gets another power-up, it will be a fire-flower! Collect it to be small an fiery!!
If you ever feel the urge to grow, just run into an enemy. But don't run into an enemy while you are
big or else you'll die immediately. The effect of this reversed "small-fiery mode" will remain in
effect as long as you don't die. For some real fun, try getting it to work in W1-4 and finish the
rest of the game without losing the effect!
"Minus World"
The "Minus World" is not actually World Negative One, but is actually world
"space", level 1. The "space" character actually represents a higher number (World 36 to be exact),
but most people mistakenly refer to it as World Minus One.
OK, for those of you who aren't familiar with the "Minus World", here is how you reach World 36:
In World 1-2, get to the end of the level and find the pipe that takes you to the exit. Mario must
be big for this to work. Instead of exiting through the pipe, jump on top of it and stand on the
leftmost portion of the pipe. Break some of the bricks above, but DO NOT break the rightmost brick.
Now here's the tricky part. You will need to jump up and lean your jump to the right, so that Mario's
head goes through the rightmost brick. This may take several attempts before you get it right.
If everything goes well, Mario will then go through the rest of the bricks! Now you will appear
where the three warp pipes are that ordinarily take you to Worlds 2, 3, and 4. As long as you don't
scroll the screen too far, this trick will work. Go down the 1st (or 3rd) pipe and you're off to the
"Minus World"! It's really World 36-1, but the programmers didn't make enough room for more than
one digit in the level, which shows up as a space. The level is virtually identical to World 2-2
with one critical difference: THERE IS NO WAY OUT! The trick isn't very useful unless you plan on
brushing up on your swimming skills :)
There is an alternate trick that you can do, which is more useful. Do the trick above and go
through the bricks. Instead of taking the first pipe, take the second one. This will take you to
World 5-1! If you enjoy World 5, this is the fastest way to get there. Glide glitch
In Super Mario Bros on NES, you can make Mario run while standing on one
leg. Find an area where you run into a pipe from the side that exits at
the top (like in area 1-2 where the pirhana plants are). As Super Mario
with fireballs, hold the B button and run into the pipe and don't let go
of B. As soon as Mario exits the pipe press jump, and when Mario lands
he'll be standing on one leg while you move him around.
Jump in mid-air!
Here's a handy glitch that only works on the NES
version: Whenever Mario is not Fiery, find a powerup Mushroom or Fire Flower.
Now try to jump on top of it but release the A button just before you land on
it. While Mario is growing or changing colors, hold the A button. After Mario
transforms, you will be able to jump in mid-air! This can be especially for
sticky situations where a mushroom is about to fall into a pit or if you just
want to gain some extra height that you normally could not reach.
Climb to the top of the screen
Here's another very handy glitch for SMB. In many of
the castle levels and other areas, there are often tall bricks or platforms
suspended in mid-air. In some cases they are up high enough where you can't
seem to climb them. With this glitch you can! I will use W2-4 as an example,
although this can be applied in several other places.
In World 2-4, get past the spot where you collect the power up and you will
see that the screen allows you to take two possible paths. The trick is to
make the beginning of the upper bricks scroll to the leftmost part of your
screnn, but don't go too far. Knowing precisely how far to do this will depend
on your TV screen. If you get to the right spot, you can jump to the very left
side of your screen to get onto a low platform that you almost scrolled away,
then jump again off that platform at full speed. If everything is done
correctly, you will be able to jump up the side of the screen a few times, and
make it to the very top! This is especially handy on levels like 2-4 and 5-4
since it allows you to bypass more dangerous paths. Be careful though as you
can get stuck in some levels, especially in Worlds 1-4, 2-2, 6-4, and
7-2. Jump backwards
Turn Mario in the direction opposite of where you want to go. Then hold down
and then in a downwards diagonal direction. (Mario'll stop crouching if he's
big). Now, as long as you hold the controller like this, he'll remain facing
in the same direction he faced originally until you release the controller,
jump to the flagpole, or go down a pipe. Since you're holding in a
direction, he can't walk, so you have to move by jumping. Also notice that
he'll skid whenever he lands from a jump.
Floating glitch
In level 1-1 go down the pipe. When you come up two goombas will be coming at you. Wait until they are
almost near the pipe, then walk off and land on one of them. Mario will "bounce" up in slow motion. It's kind
of dumb but a glitch none the less.
Turn Spinies into Koopas!
This glitch works best in World 6-1, but it can be
applied to some other levels. It also works best if Mario is small, but not
required. Find the hidden 1-up underneath a row of bricks and activate that
block. Now scroll the screen so that the block is almost to the very left of
the screen. Now jump on top of that block. If you're big, be sure not to break
to bricks above it! Now wait until Lakitu drops some Spinies onto the bricks
above. As soon as one is directly above you, jump to knock him off the block.
As long as the screen was scrolled just right, the Spiny may turn into a Koopa
Jump through a brick
This is a side effect of the glitch above, but Mario
must be small for it to work. Jump on top of the hidden block that
contained the 1-up and wait for a Spiny to walk on the brick above you. This
time, jump twice in a row rapidly. With good timing, you'll not only knock the
Spiny over (and possibly turn it into a Koopa) but you will also jump up
through the brick and land on top of it!
Score points after dying!
If you ever get killed by an enemy while there is a
moving shell on the screen, you can still score points even after Mario dies!
All you have to do is pause the game a few times repeatedly after Mario has
been killed by an enemy. Normally all enemies are frozen after Mario is hit,
but by doing this trick, they will unfreeze. If the turtle shell that you
kicked hits any enemies, you can still score points!
Repeated death glitch
This glitch is another extension of the previous
glitch. If Mario gets killed by a Hammer Brother, pause the game a few times
repeatedly. After the Hammer Bros. unfreeze, they will throw more hammers. If
one of them hits the dead Mario below the screen, you'll hear the sound effect
of Mario dying again! You can repeat the process for as long as you feel like
torturing Mario, but he will still only lose one life.
Die and clear a castle
In any castle level, let regular Mario jump on
Bowser's head and the axe at the same time. You'll see Mario's death animation
but still clear the level.
[Ed. Note: This is the very glitch which inspired me
to find the Small and Fiery glitch!]
Do the Mario!
On any level with a vine, climb up to the top of the vine, jump off, then
jump back on and hold UP. Mario will be doing a cool little dance on top
of the vine ^_^
Platform pulley glitch
This lil glitch has been throwing me off for years. First let a platform
pulley (you know the two platforms connected together by a string on all of
the jumping levels) fall down to earn 1000 points. If you try to jump past
the area were the edge of the platform would be if it didnt fall, it should
act as if it really is still hanging there and block your way!! It may even
cause you to fall to your death!! Usually the invisible platform doesn't get
in your way anymore after you touch it once.
Easy 8000 points
This could possibly be the least known method to get a
quick 8000 points, although I've known about it for a long time. Go into any
level which has a Koopa Troopa or Buzzy Beetle on top of bricks. Worlds 2-1 and
3-1 are notorious for this, as well as World 1-1 on the second quest. Just try
to knock a Koopa or Beetle from underneath, and then kick its shell while it is
still in mid-air. It takes a little time to get the timing right, but you'll be
a pro at it with practice. As long as you kicked it in mid-air, you will
immediately receive an 8000 point bonus. Cool!
Enemies walk on air
In World 3-2 (and possibly others) about halfway
through the level (at the two gaps with a block above the land in
between the gaps) jump on the green turtle after it walks off the edge
into the hole, and bounce up to solid ground. If done correctly the
turtle will be in mid air. Let it come back to life and it will be
walking halfway through the ground (if you beat the game you can do
this with the beetles and they wont fall in holes, they walk over them
like its solid ground).
Dance down a pipe
In any world with a pipe you
can go down get a running start and as you land on the pipe press
down, Mario will dance down the pipe.
Vine glitch
In at least level 3-1 go to
where the vine is, if you hit it, and jump up where it comes up, fast
enough youll be standing on the block instead of holding the vine.
while your there you cant jump. It can be fixed simply by walking to
the side untill you grab the vine.
Star trick
In the first level, grab the Star as late as
possible. Once you collect it, run full speed to the finish. If you are
fast enough, the end of level music will change into the normal theme
while your score is being calculated.
Going overboard on lives
In the original NES version, if you use the
"turtle on the stairs" trick repeatedly, you gain lots of points, and
eventually lives. The end of World 3-1 is the most famous example of this
exploit, but there are numerous other levels that work as well. The
reason it works is that Mario is stomping the Koopa or Buzzy Beetle, then
on his way down, he kicks it. In a fraction of a second, it ricochets
back to Mario, and Mario ends up stomping it again, repeating the
process, and gradually accumulating points as if he were stomping several
enemies in a row. If you're not careful, you can go overboard and get too
many lives. From numerous tests, I have concluded that you can safely
accumulate as many as 129 lives, and that this value is stored in a
signed byte (meaning that the number can be negative or positive). If you
collect 130 or more, your life counter is treated like you have less than
zero lives! This means if you get killed, the game will immediately end.
If you go way beyond 130, and back to more than 257 lives, your lives
will be back to a positive number! This means that you can safely die
without ending the game. Cool.
Super Mario
Bros. 2
Fifth warp zone!!
Sure, everyone knows about the first 4 warp zones,
but I'm going to show you how to get the 5th one! First, here's the list:
1. W1-3 to W4-1
That's right, it's not a misprint! Now on with
the trick:
In World 6-1, select any character, and go down
the tube which has the Magic Potion. Now pick up the Potion and carry it
all the way to the blade of grass between two cacti, which also contains
a Potion. Drop the Potion directly on top of that blade of grass and enter
subspace. Upon exiting, you'll need to execute the "Illusion item glitch"
(see below). If you executed that glitch properly, you'll have an illusion
of a Potion on top of your head. If you don't succeed, you'll need to start
over from scratch by getting the Potion from the tube and repeating the
After successfully getting the glitch to work,
go into the cave ahead where you'd normally go. Once inside you'll have
a real Potion which you can take with you. Drop it where you see the long
series of tubes and go into Subspace. It just so happens that any tube
which you can't normally enter can be turned into a Warp Zone inside Subspace.
Now you can warp to... W6-1 once again!
So why would you want to warp back to the same
level? You can collect coins over and over, as well as the TWO 1-ups (see
the 2-up trick below) in order to rack up on lives if you haven't already
reached the max of P4 (254) reserve lives. Enjoy!! Illusion Items
Select any character in any level and find a Potion.
Pick it up and drop it directly on top of a blade of grass. Now enter subspace
and leave. Once you leave, press the B button repeatedly and rapidly. If
all goes well, you'll end up with the item appearing on top of your head,
but wait - it's not really there at all! It's just an illusion, but once
you enter a door, climb a vine, or die, the item will become real! The
advantage to doing this is that you can carry items to places where they
would not normally occur. You can carry items to the bosses, but better
yet, this trick ultimately leads to the 5th warp zone! (See above)
In W6-1 select either Mario or Toad. Go into the
cave and go down into the tube which has 4 blades of grass beneath a lot
of sand. The two pieces of grass on both ends contain a 1-up, while the
ones in the middle contain Sprouts. Ordinarily you can only collect one
1-up in a given level, but with speed you can get two. Pick up the two
middle pieces of grass and throw the Sprouts. Now stand on the right edge
of the left piece of grass or the left edge of the right piece of grass.
Pick it up and quickly run to the other one and pick it up as well. If
you manage to pick up the second piece of grass BEFORE the first 1-up vanishes,
you'll be rewarded with BOTH.
Double Jump
Use any character and run right toward an enemy
at full speed. Just a split second before you think you're about to get
hit, jump! With good timing you'll be able to jump yet again in midair!
This technique is very useful for reaching high places, and now you can
jump higher than you could with just a power squat jump! Try this out with
Luigi to reach some places that you previously thought were unreachable.
Jump in Midair
This is yet another way to jump in midair. Stand
on the ground while you have 3 or 4 life units and let an enemy run right
into you. You'll lose a life unit, but you'll be able to jump in mid-air.
Mega High Jump!
Here's an alternative to the previous techniques
which will give you an even higher jump. First do a power squat jump when
you have 3 or 4 life units. Now you need to get hit by some enemy while
in mid-air to get a super high jump. One great place to try this out is
when you're fighting Mouser at the end of W1-3 with Luigi. Take a bomb
and go to the left of all the pieces of grass. Do a power squat jump when
the bomb starts flashing and try to time it so that it explodes at the
peak of your jump. Using this technique, you can get on top of the entire
Turn your enemies into an Elevator!
This one can have some practical uses in some
levels, but for the most part, it's just fun to do. Go into the first level,
preferably with Toad or Mario. Go to the area where the first POW block
is located, pick up an enemy, and ride on another enemy. Now when you're
away from one of the pillars, throw the enemy at the pillar and
quickly pick up the one you're riding and
throw it at the other enemy while it is still upside down. If you are quick
enough, the enemies will collide as usual, but wait - instead of falling,
they're flying up! If you're still quick enough, you can jump on top of
these enemies and take a ride all the way to the top of the screen!
Several ways to reuse items
1. Pick up a vegetable and run toward an enemy
at full speed. Throw it at the enemy and continue to run. With good timing,
the vegetable will bounce back into your hands to be used once again!
2. Throw a vegetable at an enemy that is situated
above you. A good place to try this is with a power-squat jump in the first
level and aim for the Shyguy that is near the first potion. After you've
thrown it, try to make the vegetable land on top of your head after you
land from your jump. With good timing, you'll get the vegetable back! For
even more fun, try climbing the vine while landing from your jump. It's
even possible to catch the vegetable while you're climbing! This can be
very handy in some levels if you want to carry a vegetable to another section
of a level. Similarly, you can carry bombs while climbing the chain in
your second encounter with Mouser on W3-3.
3. Throw a vegetable at an enemy and then try
to jump on top of it. You can pick up the vegetable once again by using
the B button.
4. You can reuse Turtle Shells by jumping on top
of them after they are tossed. You can also reuse them if you get one to
land on top of your head. This can lead to many possibilities... POW madness
The POW block is known for its great power of
destruction, but it actually has a few weird properties that can be handy
in some situations and some that are, well, destructive to your own character!
1. Try dropping the POW block while you're standing
on top of a Turtle Shell, a Crystal Ball, or even a moving log in a waterfall.
You'll be sent soaring into the air! If you do this on top of the Crystal
in W1-3, you can end up stuck in the wall! The only way out of this is
to use the old suicide trick on the second controller. (Up
+ A + B on controller 2 while paused)
2. Drop a POW block and quickly pick up a Sprout
and throw it. It will also fly high into the air.
3. Here's a really weird one. Go to a level
which contains both a Bob-Omb in the grass and a POW block nearby. W3-3
and W5-2 are great places to try this. Pick up the POW block and stand
on top of the piece of grass where the Bob-Omb is hiding. Now drop the
POW block and quickly pick up the piece of grass. The Bob-Omb should go
right through the floor. Now if you die on the same screen or if you go
through a door or even down a tube, you'll be in for an explosive surprise!
:) You can do this in W1-2, W2-1, and W4-2. Just before
you are about to reach the end of the level, make sure that you've collected
4 cherries. Pick up the fifth cherry as late as possible and pick up the
Star when it is as close to the end of the level as possible. Run toward
the end of the level at full speed, and if you are quick enough, you can
defeat Birdo simply by running into him!
Destroy Birdo with a key on W1-2
This trick works best with Luigi, but it is possible
to do with any character. First, get the key and carry it near the door
where you'd normally take it. Pick up a Ninji and throw him near the door.
Now pick up the key and do a power-squat jump from the Ninji when it is
at the peak of its jump. Luigi will easily make it to the top of the screen,
but if you use another character, you'll need to get hit by one of the
Snifit's bullets while you have 3 life units. Now you can carry the key
all the way to Birdo! An alternative way to get the key across the large
pit is to get the Beezos to fly toward you, and take a ride on one of them
by using continuous jumping to stay afloat. With this method, even Toad
can get across. Now you can destroy Birdo as easily as fighting him in
the last level.
Destroy Birdo with a Turtle Shell!
In the first level, get the Turtle Shell and carry
it to the vine which leads up to the vertical scrolling sky section of
the course. Luigi can easily get there with the shell, but any character
can make it there as well. Either power squat off of a Tweeter or if you
use the POW madness trick and reuse items trick (see above) to get it there.
Now here's the tricky part which takes time to
master: Stand back about 4 or 5 pieces of grass behind the vine. Do a running
jump toward the vine and throw it in midair. Now climb the vine. If your
timing is right, you'll climb the vine just as the Turtle Shell lands on
your head. You can now carry the Turtle Shell up to the next section!
Continue to scale your way up, using Ninjis and
Hoopsters to help you make some of the trickier jumps. Once you reach the
top of the area, stand on the cloud just to the right of the vine and stand
back as far as possible, and then repeat the process of throwing the shell
in mid-air toward the vine. If you make it this time, you will be able
to carry the shell all the way to Birdo!! Just hit him 3 times with the
Shell to take him out. Run at hyper speed
Toad can run even faster than his regular running
speed if you are holding an enemy or a ripened vegetable or certain other
items. After picking an item up, continue to hold the B button. If you
accidentally let go of B, or need to execute a power-squat jump, just pause,
hold B, and unpause. This hyper speed run can come in handy in some areas.
Destroy Mouser with invincibility
You've heard of several ways to take out Birdo,
but did you know that Mouser can also be destroyed with invincibility?
This one's extremely tricky because of the timing. In W1-3, get to the
last section before your encounter with Mouser. This area contains 6 cherries,
a POW block, and a Crystal. Collect just 4 cherries and then get the Crystal.
Go over toward the Hawkmouth so that you see its mouth open all the way.
Now run back and collect the nearest cherry to get the Star to appear.
Collect the Star when it's at its rightmost point, and run like madness
into the Hawkmouth. Run toward the brick wall after you fall, and let one
of Mouser's bombs destroy it. If your timing is right on the money, you
may be lucky enough to kill Mouser just as your invincibility is about
to wear off. The hyper speed run trick above makes this even easier to
Destroy Phanto!
Yes, that annoying Phanto can be destroyed! Here's
how: Go to a level that contains a Key, and take it to an area that contains
a vegetable and a cherry in the same general area. World 1-3 is an excellent
example. Be sure to collect precisely 4 cherries and 4 vegetables. Find
the key where you'd normally find it and take it back outside. Take it
back to a nearby vegetable and taunt Phanto so that he comes toward you.
Now quickly drop it and pick up that piece of grass before he goes away
to get a Stopwatch. This will freeze him into place. Now pick up a nearby
cherry to get a Star. With good timing, you can finally get rid of that
pesky Phanto! He will come back if you go through a door, so enjoy your
freedom while it lasts!
Hyper Speed Rocket
Here's a great way to add some extra powerful
fuel to those rockets. Go to a level that contains both a POW block and
a Rocket, like W7-1. Pick up the POW block and take a ride onto an Albatoss
until you get to the piece of grass that contains the rocket. Stand on
that piece of grass, drop the POW block, and quickly pick up the piece
of grass. The rocket will now take off at hyper speed! It's not particularly
useful, but it is fun to watch.
Play SMB1's music in the background!
First, get a potion and then get invincible (this works best in World
1-3) enter the door while invincible. Wait until your character flashes
slowly when the stars effect wears off. Now exit. If you timed it right,
the subspace music should still be playing and will continue to play
until you die or enter a door.
Major Life Meter Glitch
Here's another rather useless trick, but it is a very
weird glitch. Go to any level that contains a rocket, and pick up the piece of
grass that contains it. Shortly after the rocket launches up a little bit,
press the Start button to pause and do the suicide code (Up + A + B on
controller 2 while paused). Unpause and watch what happens on the next screen!
The music will stop as though you're dead, (except on W4-1, since the music
changes), but wait, you're still alive! But you have no life units!
Now here's the resulting glitch: You'll shrink if you were already big, and
you will have ZERO life meters filled. Be careful not to get hit, or you'll die
as usual. Collect a heart to go from zero life units to TWO life units. You'll
still be small! Collect another heart and you'll finally grow. If you get hit
at this point, you'll be knocked into the air AND shrink! If you get hit again,
you'll go from 2 life units to 0 units, and not get knocked into the air. This
glitch will wear off if you are killed or if you complete the level, whichever
comes first, so have fun with it while it lasts! Repeatedly collect coins trick
This is a rather well-known trick which allows you to seriously rack up on those coins. Find a potion and drop it in an area that contains grass and a pit on the same screen. Go into subspace, pick up the coin(s) and fall into the pit. You'll lose a life, but you won't use up one of your two chances to pick up coins since you never exited the door! Repeat as often as you'd like, but make sure not to use up all your lives! With effective use of this trick, and with good timing in the bonus games, you can reach P4 (254) lives before you even finish World 1!
Instant death 1
Sometimes, if you're running really fast and try to
go down a vine, ladder, or rope while running
fast, you'll fall straight through the ground and lose a life.
Instant death 2
Get the Potion at the end of 5-1, but don't drop it
right away. Jump on one of the logs falling
down the waterfall, then get up on top of the ceiling so you can't see your
character (NOT in one
of the pits that has a mushroom block in it). Drop the potion, then go in the
door (for this to work,
the door has to be off-screen!). You will die as soon as you enter Sub Space.
Obviously, it's easier to do with Luigi.
Magic Ostro
At the beginning of World 5-1, there is an Ostro with
a Shyguy on it. Jump on the Shyguy's head
and ride it over to the fire-breathing plant. While the plant is on screen,
hit B. You should pick
up the Shyguy, but the Ostro will vanish into thin air.
Double Doors
In world 5-1, get the Potion that's on a high platform
with a 1up on it. Take it all the way to the
end (right before the door to Birdo) and drop it. Take the other potion and
drop it right next to
the door that formed when you dropped the first potion (but NOT on top of it).
Now go into either
door. Both doors should open at once then one will disappear. It's not much
but it's fun to do.
Suicidal doors!
WARNING! Don't do this unless you really want to lose
ALL of your lives. Just go to any red door, press up to enter, and
before you attempt to reach the next screen, pause the game quickly. Now do the
Suicide code (Up + A + B on controller 2) and upause. You'll die as usual, but
now when your next lives appear, you'll fall through the floor, and you have no
control! This process will continue with each and every life you have left. I
found this out the hard way one day when I decided to see what happens when you
do the suicide code inside a door. The worst part about it was that I was on
the final level and had over 200 lives. I had to watch each life die one by one!
Obviously this trick has no practical purpose, unless you're just really evil
one day and decide to tell a friend to try it out. ;-)
Pick up Ostro and Shyguy at the same time!
First, go to a level that contains vegetables and
Ostros. World 5-2 is a great place to do this. Pick up 4 vegetables and then
pick up a fifth one while there is a Shyguy riding an Ostro on the screen.
You'll get a stopwatch which will freeze them in place. Now pick up the Ostro
and look, you're holding both the Shyguy and the Ostro! Just be careful
as this effect only lasts while the Stopwatch is active. After it wears off,
watch and see what happens. :-)
Climb through a wall and beyond!
Just because there is a ceiling above your head, that
doesn't mean you can't go through it! Near the end of World 3-3, make your way
to the top of the last vertical scrolling chamber. There you will find a ladder
that leads to a door, which leads you outside to some Ninjis and the masked
gate. Don't go through that door yet! Instead, position your character just to
the right of the ladder. Jump while ducking and try to grab onto the ladder at
its highest possible point. This is easiest with Princess since she can float
at the top of the screen, but any other character can do it as well. As long
as you grabbed the very top, you'll climb upward through the ceiling! You'll
climb up an invisible ladder to the section where the door leads. It may not
seem useful, but this glitch combined with a couple others below will lead to
something very unusual.
Get an enemy stuck in a wall
This trick works in any level, but it's easiest to see
the results in levels with a very thick ground. The end of World 1-2 or any
place in World 2-1 are good places to try this. All you have to do is throw an
enemy while your character is growing from a heart or while an enemy causes you
to shrink. With good timing you can get an enemy stuck inside a wall or stuck
into the ground! You can also achieve this effect if you throw an enemy just
as a Stopwatch is about to wear off. Read on to see how the previous glitch
and the next glitch can be combined with this one.
Skip a row of sand
In any of the desert levels, you can actually skip a
row of sand with this trick. Start digging downward until you come to a row
where a Shyguy is walking back and forth, but don't dig any sand on his level!
Just try to jump and land directly onto the Shyguy. This may take several
tries before this works. If you're lucky, you'll land on his head, rather than
onto the sand. You'll know you did this correctly if you start moving along
with the Shyguy. Just pick him up and toss him out of the way. Now you'll see
a complete row of sand untouched. This is useful in keeping the enemies above
from ever reaching you. This may not sound like much, but when this is combined
with the previous two glitches, you'll be in for a treat....
Warp backwards from 1-2 to 1-1!!
Just when you thought the fifth warp zone was unusual,
wait until you see this! This should not be counted as a warp zone, though, as
it does not involve going down a jar in subspace. What it does involve is a
mixture of the three previous glitches. Now for the trick...
Make your way to World 1-2 with any character, and
open the locked door with the key. Make sure that you have picked up 4
vegetables along the way. You might have to go in and out of the door to do
that. Once you have that set up, go inside and destroy the first set of blocks
in your way with a couple bombs. Don't worry if there is a stray block above
your character's head. Now pick up a stopwatch to freeze all the enemies. Now
pick up the Pink Snifit (NOT the gray one!) and stand underneath the stray
block that wasn't taken out with a bomb, and face to the right. The trick is to
throw the Snifit so that he lands inside the brick directly beneath the ladder.
As you will see, timing must be perfect for this to work, so it may take
several failed attempts before you get the timing right. It helps to know that
the Stopwatch sound effects repeat themselves 16 times. You'll need to throw
the Snifit during that 16th time. Alternatively you could try getting the
Snifit stuck in that brick by throwing him while you are growing or shrinking
if you prefer.
Once you have successfully placed the Pink Snifit under the ladder, you're
ready for the trick! It helps to get rid of the Gray Snifit, as he can be a
nuisance. Stand at the bottom of the ladder, and jump up and down a few times
until you successfully land on top of the Pink Snifit's head. Sometimes it
helps to move in midair to accomplish this. Once you've done this, tap down
on the control pad briefly just to make sure you are lined up with the ladder.
If your character ducks, you aren't lined up right, but if your character
attempts to scale the ladder, then you're all set! Just pick up the Snifit and
give him a toss. Now your character will be halfway inside the floor! Just
climb down the ladder and you'll be in for a big surprise.... Now you are back in World 1-1!!
At this point you may end up in one of two locations.
You might appear at the very beginning of World 1-1 from an invisible ladder
to the left of the door in the sky. The alternative is that you may appear
inside of a brick in the underground section. If this happens, be sure to hold
Up on the control pad! Then gradually move off to the side. Otherwise you might
get stuck inside the wall! If that happens, you'll have to use the suicide code
(Up + A + B on controller 2 while paused). Be sure to move out of the way on
your next life. As long as you are holding Up, the game thinks you're climbing,
even though there is no ladder there. Be careful!
So now you must be thinking, "Why would I want to go backward a
level?" At a glance, it's not particularly useful, but if you're good with the
bonus games, you can use this to your advantage to rack up on more lives than
you'd expect at this early stage in the game. You could actually have P4 (254)
lives in the very first level this way! Also, this trick can give you some
insight on how the game was programmed. Once you beat World 1-1 again, it will
count again in the ending toward your final stats. The most obvious reason to
do this, of course, is to impress your friends. :-) Good luck on pulling this
trick off! Get back to the top of 1-1 or return to 1-2!
This glitch is very similar to the previous backward
warp glitch. The difference is that you will be using the very first vine that
you encounter in World 1-1. Get a Shyguy stuck under the vine using the
procedures in the previous glitch. Once you manage to get your character stuck
in the ground, climb downward. You'll be on an invisible vine at the very top
of the stage, above the very first door! Even stranger yet, if you perform this
glitch AFTER you warped from 1-2 to 1-1, you'll appear in the cave of
World 1-2! In essense, you could warp back and forth between these levels as
often as you wish!
Warp backwards from 3-1 to 1-2!!
The backward warp is back once again! Follow the
procedures for the warp trick from 1-2 to 1-1, but this time you'll be using
the ladder near the pink Shyguy and the moving pink Panser in 3-1. Pick up five
vegetables to get a Stopwatch, but make sure the Shyguy is on the right side
of the ladder before you freeze him. This way, you can prevent the Panser from
coming back. The tricky part will be lining yourself up. I prefer to have the
ladder showing on the left side of the screen. Throw the Shyguy around the 14th
or 15th cycle of the Stopwatch. If all goes well, you'll have the Shyguy under
the ladder, just as in the previous backward warp glitch. Once you go down the
ladder, you'll be back in the underground section of World 1-2! But it isn't
exactly 1-2 -- It's actually World 3 Level Negative 4. Notice that if you go
out the door on your left, you'll find that it is locked! Also, do not collect
the 1-up mushroom -- It's a trap!
Now you'll have several options at this point. If you decide to do the
backward warp in this level, you'll be back in World 3-1 again! If you decide
to beat the fake World 1-2, you'll appear in a fake World 1-3 but without ever
going to the bonus game! You'll even carry your life meters over! It's as if
1-2 and 1-3 are one continuous level! If you decide to use the warp zone in the
fake World 1-3, you'll warp to World 5, just as if you warped from World 3-1!
Or you could try to beat 1-3 to face a Mouser that is as strong as he is in
World 3! Also note that if you unlocked the door in the fake World 1-2, the
door in the fake 1-3 will also be unlocked! Once you beat this level, you'll
finally get to the bonus game, as though you legitimately beat a level. Once
you've done that, you'll go back to... you guessed it, World 3-1! You can loop
through these levels as often as you wish if you're good at it. Enjoy! Shortcuts galore and more!
While some of the shortcuts in the game are obvious,
others might catch you by surprise. Read on to find routes that you might not
have explored....
World 1-1: Certainly everyone has seen the
alternate route to Birdo by blowing up a wall with bombs, but there is another
shortcut prior to this. You don't have to enter the cave section from the
lower door to reach higher ground. With Luigi or Princess, you can easily get
up there from the platform to the right of the second POW block. With Mario,
you can use the double jump glitch from a Shyguy or Tweeter to get up there.
Even Toad has a way up there. Just powersquat from a Tweeter and you'll make
the jump.
World 1-2: Yes, any character can take this shortcut! Most
people may have noticed that you can skip the key by doing a power squat jump
from a Ninji-2 with Luigi to reach the higher ground. You can do the same thing
with any other character, but you'll need to get hit by an enemy above you
while you have 3 life meters to get just enough extra height. Another way is to
continuously jump on a Beezo. Still yet another way is with the magic carpet
ride! As soon as you get on the carpet, go to the bottom of the screen so that
part of your character is below the screen. Doing this will cause you to move
faster than normal! Now you should have just enough time to make it to the top
of the screen with any character.
World 3-1: You might think that only Luigi or Princess could do this,
but actually all characters can do this! With Luigi or Princess, it's
just a matter of doing a running jump to the left after you climb the vine. How
can Mario and Toad do this, you ask? Grab some mushroom blocks and throw them
on top of the clouds in the background. They will float in mid-air! Just one
well-placed mushroom block should do the job, but it wouldn't hurt to get more.
Fortunately, the programmers were savvy enough to keep this accessible in the
SNES version as well.
World 3-2: You're probably thinking of using Princess, but Luigi is
better! Sure, everyone knows about the small gap in the underground accessible
to Princess only, but if you take Luigi down the first ladder, you can do a
power-squat to the top of the screen and skip everything below! The other
characters can get up there by jumping from a ladder, but only Luigi and
Princess can carry an item across the top! To carry a potion across the top
with Princess, you'll need to pick up the Pink Shyguy and make a leap of faith
across the pit to the left. Then clear the bricks with bombs. Then get the
Shyguy once again and carry him to the leftmost ladder. Pick up the Potion
after you've thrown the Shyguy on the platform with the ladder. Then go up to
that platform and power-squat off of the Shyguy to make it to the very top of
the screen. With Luigi, you don't need to go through all that -- Just
power-squat with the potion and you'll make it to the top.
With clever use of managing bombs and carrying the Potion back over, you
can actually get 5 coins per trip to subspace. It's the only level where Luigi
and Princess can get more coins than Toad and Mario!
World 3-3: This handy shortcut will allow you to skip the key
altogether! Bring any character into the door just to the right of the ladder.
Inside this area, you'll see a Ninji-2 on the first screen. Carry him up to the
ledge just to the left of the only Red Snifit in the game. Throw the Ninji onto
this platform, then do a power squat jump at the peak of the Ninji's jump. You
should easily jump to the next platform.
World 4-3: With Luigi or Princess, you can skip most of the level!
After riding on Birdo's egg, you'll come across a door to your right. Instead
of going through this door, make a running jump to the right! Also, skip the
next door that you see, and the one beyond that will lead you to the end! It
is also worth mentioning that any character can continuously jump on the Beezo
to go all the way back to Birdo at the start of the level! This is handy if you
plan on collecting the patch of coins twice.
World 5-3: After you have gone underground and into the next door,
you'll be in the section with several Sparks and jars that contain Shyguys.
Just go down to the first jar and pick up the mushroom block that is blocking
Shyguys from coming out. Throw it anywhere and then do a ducking jump. Tweak
your jump so that you can squeeze yourself over the top of the jar and to the
left. It's a small shorcut, but handy nonetheless.
World 6-2: After you collect the only mushroom in this stage, wait
for an Albatoss or a Beezo to get you back to the left. Take a ride, and soon
you'll see a Beezo moving to the right. Jump on him continuously to make it to
the end of the level faster than you normally could on an Albatoss. It helps
to use Princess or Luigi for this.
World 6-3: Just about everyone knows this one. From the beginning,
you can let your character start sinking into the sand, but run toward the wall
on the left. Now you can go under the wall. As long as you keep jumping, you'll
make it to the other side. The door will take you near the end of the level!
World 7-1: After you've taken a ride on the rocket to the next
section, you'll notice that there is a tall wall preventing you from reaching
the ladder. Normally you'd have to navigate the small maze of clouds and dodge
enemies along the way, but there's an easier way! Look at the pole to the left
of the tall wall. If there isn't already a Snifit on that pole, scroll off the
screen and come back so that there is one there. With Luigi or Princess, you
can just powersquat from the Snifit and clear the tall wall! If you are using
Mario or Toad, don't despair; there's still a way up! Use the enemy elevator
glitch with a Tweeter and a Snifit and you can ride them up to the top!
World 7-2: This is probably the least known about shortcut in the
game! In several locations, you can climb a chain to the top of the screen. If
you jump from the chain, you can walk across the top of the level! In some
areas, this is very handy, as it allows you to go from one location to another
faster than you can imagine! Try approaching the Birdo with the key this way.
As long as you came from any chain except the chain in his room, Birdo will
immediately drop his key! Use it against him for an easy victory. With this
shortcut, you should be able to get both mushrooms in record time! An easier way to ride Beezos
You don't have to keep jumping to stay on a Beezo's back. Instead, just jump
on his head once, make sure you're NOT holding the run button (B in the NES
game, Y in the SNES version) and just hold the Control Pad in the direction
the guy is flying. Your character will sort of "vibrate" on the edge of the
Beezo and will not fall off. (If you do this in 6-2, you'll still have to
jump to dodge Albatosses and other Beezos...)
Climb an invisible ladder
In 3-3, when you first enter the castle, go left
until you see a ladder near the locked door. Grab a Ninji-2 up there and
throw him so that he lands in front of that ladder. Jump on his head and get
into the "climbing postion". When he jumps, you'll go up with him, off the
top extent of the ladder, but you're still in the "climbing position" and
will be climbing and invisible ladder just below the ceiling as long as you
hold Up. But you can't climb off the screen.
A lesser shortcut in 6-3
Don't want to take the huge quicksand shortcut? You
can take a shortcut in the cave and skip a few rock walls. But you'll have to
sacrfice some life units (unless you can time your throws awful well) so you
should power up when you first go into the desert at the beginning. Find a
wall of cracked blocks that goes to the top of the screen. Pick up a bomb and
stand against the wall while holding it. When you think it'll explode, jump
up and try to get the bomb to blow up when you bump your head on the ceiling.
It's easiest if you're holding the bomb so you'll get hurt this way. Now that
you've put a gap in the wall, get another bomb and stand in the gap while
it's in your hands and you should be able to demolish the topmost block and
get on the ceiling. You're small from being hurt from bombs, but you are
within easy reach of the vine by just walking on the ceiling. This isn't a
good shortcut since you have most likely have to get hurt twice to do it, but
a shortcut nonetheless.
Bye Bye Birdo!
In world 1-2, pick someone and get to the place with
the locked door. Don't unlock it. Now, take a Ninji,
throw it near the hill there, and try to get on top of
it, like in the trick to take the key to Birdo. Now,
kill the Snifit and Ninji so they don't bother you.
Now pick up the potion. Go back a ways until you get
to blade of grass that has the Potion in it.
(Normally, it's the first potion you get in the level)
Throw the potion on the blade of glass and perform the
"Illusion Items" glitch so that the potion turns into
an illusion. Now, repeat the trick to get up to the
higher hill, and go to the end of the level. Go in the
door and throw the potion on the platform where Birdo
is and go into sub-space. When you leave, Birdo will
be gone! But, he will come back if you go off screen a
little ways and come back.
Get rid of Autobomb for good!
If that bothersome Autobomb gives you trouble, you
can get rid of it for good! In World 4-2 after you have used the rocket, pick
up the Shyguy from the Autobomb and throw him at the platform on your left.
He should eventually fall into the small gap to the right of that platform.
Scroll the screen back far enough to make another Autobomb appear. Repeat the
process of picking up a Shyguy from the Autobomb and throwing it to the left.
Once you have 5 shyguys, you'll max out the enemies on the screen. At this
point no Autobomb appears. Now kill off the trapped Shyguys if you wish, but
here's the unexpected result: The Autobomb won't come back! You have just lost
your ride to get across the spikes! The only way you'll get the Autobomb back
now is to either die, go into subspace, or go through a door.
Turn enemies into illusions!
This trick is an extension of the "illusion items"
trick way up above. It just has a slight twist to it. First, place a Potion on
top of a piece of grass which contains a bomb. World 1-1 or 1-2 are excellent
places to try this out. Once you get out of subspace, quickly pick up
the bomb. If you're fast enough, you'll turn it into an illusion, but this
time, it will hurt you! Before it explodes, quickly pick up a nearby
enemy. You won't see the bomb, but it will still detonate and cost you a life
meter. Now look at the enemy. You just turned it into an illusion! This leads
to some useful tricks....
Carry a Shyguy to the first Birdo!
In order to carry a Shyguy to Birdo in the very first
level, you'll need to take advantage of two glitches. Bear in mind that this is
tough to pull off. First, you'll need to pick up one potion in the first level
and carry it to another potion. Drop it there, go inside subspace, leave, and
attempt to do the "Illusion items" glitch. Once you are successful, you'll have
an illusion potion on top of your head. Now what you want to do is go into the
topmost door near the end of the level. Luigi and Princess can easily jump up
to it. If you're using Mario or Toad, either use the double jump glitch or
power-squat off of a Tweeter to get the needed height to reach it. Make sure
you have at least two units of health at this point. Now for the hard part:
Once you have gone through the door, head left and jump over the waterfall
to the area with the Bombs and the pink Shuyguy. Note that your Potion is real
now. Drop the Potion on the rightmost piece of grass, but do NOT pick
up that grass! Throw the pink Shyguy out of your way, and pick up the leftmost
piece of grass. With this bomb, be sure to blow up two rocks that are in your
way. Now go into Subspace, then exit, and try to execute the illusion item
trick once again. If you fail, you'll have to start over from scratch. If you
succeed in having an illusion bomb on your head, quickly pick up the
pink Shyguy and do not throw him! If you're still fast enough, you could fall
down to where the remaining rocks are, and let the illusion bomb on your head
blow up some more, but that isn't necessary if your first bomb destroyed two
rocks. Once it detonates, you'll have an illusion Shyguy on your head. You
know what to do now. Go through the door and throw him at Birdo. Sure, it's a
lot of effort, but now you have yet another way of attacking Birdo. Take an enemy into subspace!
As weird as it may seem, there is a very practical
reason for carrying an enemy into subspace. First, you'll need to perform the
"Turn enemies into illusions" glitch in the first level. Once you've done this,
head over to the other potion. Allow yourself to get hit so that you are down
to just one life meter. Now go into subspace, throw the enemy, and pick up some
coins. Before the time runs out, get killed by the enemy. This will effectively
give you another chance at getting coins! Repeat as often as you like or until
you run out of lives to spare. With the aid of the 1-up mushroom in the level,
Toad and Mario are both capable of getting 7 coins while dying on each of their
3 lives in reserve, then they can get 8 coins twice without dying. This adds up
to 37 coins, which potentially could mean as many as 185 lives!
Super Mario Bros. 3
Rock Hard Mario
Now we all know that when Mario's in the Tanooki
suit, he can turn into an invicible staute for 5 seconds, and that he can't
move while he's like this. What you didn't know was that, if you hold "B"
while you go DOWN a pipe, Mario will come looking like plain old Mario
wearing a Tanooki suit, but he'll be gray, without being a statue, and
is now both mobile and invincible.
Easy Underpath
In DOOMLAND (level 8), there is a fleet of BATTLESHIPS,
that can really give Mario a hard time. Did you know that with a certain
glitch, and a big gulp of air, Mario can avoid this altogether? You must
first complete the all dangers of the first ship. At the other end, you
jump into the water, now sink below the level of the upcoming ship, while
swimming forward. Once under this ship, rapidly press the swim button.
Mario can now swim under the ship, safely, and avoid all the nasty cannons
it has.
Take items back to previous levels
While this may not seem to be worth the effort,
there are a couple ways to take items back to previous levels in NES version.
It's certainly trivial to pull off in the SNES version since you can save
your progress and then go back to a previous world. Anyway, here are some
ways to do it in the NES version:
1. The easiest way by far is to collect an item
like a Hammer Brother Suit in World 6, then use a warp whistle to go back
to World 5. This will give you a chance to put on a Hammer Brothers Suit
sooner than you normally can!
2. Turn Hammer Bro. Mario and Frog Mario GRAY
This trick isn't at all useful, but fun to play with.
Enter World 7-8 with Tanooki Mario and go down the pipe that has the Hammer
Brother Suit. Just before you collect it, press Down and B to turn into a
statue. If the Hammer Brother Suit hits you while you are a statue, you will
transform into Hammer Bro. Mario but he will be gray! Unfortunately, the game
still thinks Mario is ducking since he was a statue. Consequently you cannot
exit through the pipe. You can also do this in World 3-9 to get a gray Frog
Mario, and get the same results. You'll have to use the previous trick above
in order to take a Tanooki Suit back to World 3. You're better off not wasting
a precious Tanooki suit this way, unless you happen to have plenty to spare.
Kuribo's glitch
In World 5-3, you can pull off a strange glitch with
the aid of a Spiny shell. The first thing you'll want to do is start the level
as Raccoon Mario or at least get the power-up within the level. Now whip a
Spiny with your tail and pick him up. Knock Kuribo's Goomba out of his shoe
and let it land on you from above. Now take a look! Mario's graphics will look
strange. Mario looks normal, except the bottom half of him will be green! This
odd effect will last until you kick the Spiny, or until it shakes itself out
of your hands. If you kick it, you'll see a kicking animation, and then you'll
be in a normal Kuribo's shoe. Basically, you CAN carry a Spiny while
you're in Kuribo's Shoe after all. :-)
Kill Boom-Boom with a Star
Go to the First Castle in Iced Land. Make Sure you are small. Go to the
Second room, avoiding the Roto-Discs. Get the star out of the box, and
wait until it is near the hole. Run Towards it and get it! Run like Heck
now! Quickly Jump up to the door and make a Mad Dash towards Boom-Boom.
Nail Him while still Invinsible and Boom-Boom Will Go "KAAAAAABOOOOOM!"
The P switch will appear in the middle of the screen on the floor but
it'll be Upside Down And Mirrored. Funny!
Fading glitch
Use a P-Wing before entering a ship where you fight a Koopaling. Make it
to the end with the Wing, and destroy the boss. Fly into the middle of
the screen and go to the top of the screen, Part of you needs to be off
the screen. Now catch the wand. If done correctly, it will seem like
nothing will happen but if you are high enough, the screen just fades
out before Mario can fall!
Want a T-Wing? No, that's not a Misprint. I really mean T-Wing. It means
Tanooki Wing, or in other words, you have Max P always and a Tanooki
Suit on. Onto the Glitch! Put on a P-Wing before you enter a level with
a Tanooki Suit. Get it while the P-Wing is still on, and you will still
have Max P always, but will be in a Tanooki Suit.
Seeing green
Shoot a Fireball when in a Toad House. It'll be Green! Also, the "Gas"
that appears when you transform into a Tanooki will also be green!
Frictionless ground
The Game Genie Code for frictionless ground is AOZXVL...however, for
frictionless ground without a Game Genie, go to level 1-5 with a P-Wing.
When you start, fly up onto the wall at the start. The ground up there
is frictionless! In other words, if you go up there and run then stop,
you'll keep moving!
Walk through a wall in Bowser's Castle!
Before going into the last Castle (the very last one, with Bowser) use a
P-Wing. Get to the last room where there are donut lifts and Bowser shoots fire at you even though
he's in the next room. There should be a statue thing over the door to Bowser's room. Duck
down and start flying, then land on the statue's head. Stand up, and Mario will go straight
through the wall! You end up somewhere else in the castle. DON'T DO THIS TRICK A SECOND TIME!
If you do you'll get stuck in the wall and you'll have to wait for time to run out before
you can escape!
[Ed. Note: Many levels in SMB3 have places where you can
walk through walls. This property of the game existed since the original SMB.
Try W1-1, W3-9, and W6-1st Mini Fortress for starters....]
Although I do not officially have a Game Genie section,
I thought I'd mention this code due to its very useful nature.
Originally I created the code KKGZSO. Despite some nasty bugs it had,
it allowed for many great things. First, it gives you one of each item in
your inventory, plus an extra Whistle, and the remaining slots are filled
with P-Wings. But that's far from all the potential this code has....
In addition to getting a full arsenal of items, you can start in ANY
world you wish simply by pressing Up or Down on the Title Screen!
You'll notice an extra cursor moving to indicate this. Also for each
press of the A button on the title screen, you gain an additional 5
lives! A sprite in the Super Mario Bros. 3 logo will alter to indicate
this. You can press A up to 19 times to get as many as 99 lives in
reserve! In addition to all of this, if your timer ever reaches zero
in any level, you will not die! This effectively makes some Game Genie
codes obsolete. But the fun is only just beginning.... :-)
At any time in any stage, you can press the Select button to alter
your current powerup condition! Each press of the Select button cycles
through your powerups in this order: Small -> Super -> Fiery ->
Raccoon -> Frog -> Tanooki -> Hammer Bro. -> back to Small and so on.
Now you must be thinking the code is awesome at this point but there's
still one more thing. If you hold A or B while pressing Select, you'll
toggle Kuribo's Shoe!! Yes, you heard it here first. This code does it
all. (Am I starting to sound like a salesman?). :-) All of this in ONE
Game Genie code for the low, low price of $0.00!
In this code's original 6 letter form, it had a nasty bug in it,
though. Fiery Mario and Hammer Bro. Mario could only jump a very low
height, but they gained a spinning tail for some odd reason. It also
caused you to die if you used certain pipes. But these bugs have been
fixed, thanks to dso47 on the GameFAQs message boards, who converted my original 6 letter code into
an 8 letter code. Now it is In addition to all of this great stuff, you can exploit some fun
glitches. To play as a Statue in any power-up condition, first change
yourself to Tanooki Mario. Now hold Down and tap B to turn into a
Statue. While still only holding Down, press Select. Now you are a
Gray Hammer Bro. Mario, who is immune to all attacks, except for pits
and lava. You can cycle through your other powerups and remain
invincible. The side effect to that is that you cannot enter any
pipes. To remedy this, simply switch back to Tanooki Mario to cancel
the statue effect. You can also be a statue in Kuribo's Shoe too!
Also, if you use a P-Wing, then press Select twice while you're in the
air or water, you can be P-Wing Tanooki Mario! If you're fast enough,
you can turn into a Statue in the air, hold Down, and press Select 5
times without touching the ground to become P-Wing Gray Mario! Super
Mario Bros. 3 will never be the same again. Enjoy! Mario Skywalker
Here's a trick that I found out a long time ago. On the world 2 level
with the sun that chases you (it has no level name), you can skywalk.
The skywalking that Mario does with this glitch is like the skywalking
that a certain game genie code can do. Anyways, you need a leaf so
that you can fly. To do it, get to the end of the level but don't end
it. When you get to the end, run left as fast as you can so that the
p-meter gets all the way up and starts making noise. Now start flying,
and then fly down into the last quicksand area for a very quick
instant (so that the p-meter is still going), then press the A button
very fast to fly out of it. Mario's walking sprite will replace his
flying sprite and he will be flying. Only he will now be walking in
the air very fast and it looks silly. Sometimes it goes back to normal
after a few seconds. This works best with the P-wing because it's easy
to run out of flying energy while attempting this trick.
[Ed. Note: World 8-2 was one of the first places
where I also found this glitch. My first encounter with it in World 2-Desert
just happened to be at the beginning of the level since I liked to use a P-Wing
and Star to take out the sun. Basically any level with quicksand has this
glitch. Also note that Mario will skywalk behind background objects such as
clouds if any are nearby.]
Double ice block!
In a level with a Buster Bettle (those small things that pick up ice
blocks and throw them), go next to an ice block nearby one of those
enemies. If you pick up the ice block as it picks it up, YOU'LL BOTH END
UP GETTING ONE! Yes, it splits into two!
Pipe glitch First, you need to be big for this to
work. Near the end of 3-9, there's a pipe with ice blocks surrounding
it, 4 on each side of the pipe, and 2 above it. Grab the
second-highest block to the right of the pipe, keeping the highest one
in place. Duck under it to grab the other 2 blocks. It will appear
you are now trapped in this little area, between the pipe and the
wall... if you try to escape by ducking out of the little space,
you'll go down, as if you were going down a pipe, though you're not
really going down the pipe on the screen... you'll wind up somewhere
off-screen, at the bottom of the level. You can move around the
entire bottom level, but you are stuck, and must wait for time to run
out to continue. And when time does run out, it takes about 5 minutes
before Mario finally falls to the bottom of the screen and the "Time
Up" message appears.
This glitch does not work with the ice blocks to the left of the pipe.
Also, this cannot be done in All-Stars, as the block formation has
changed slightly, so that there are only blocks to the left and above
the pipe... the only block to the right of the pipe in All-Stars is
high enough so you don't get stuck.
sent in by redslime
photo courtesy of redslime
sent in by redslime
photo courtesy of redslime
sent in by redslime
photo courtesy of redslime
sent in by Travis Nelson
sent in by PODUNK320
sent in by Kyle Guthrie
sent in by Kyle Guthrie
by David Wonn
by David Wonn
sent in by T.R.M.
written by David Wonn
by David Wonn
by David Wonn
by David Wonn
by David Wonn
password CRACKED by David Wonn
photo courtesy of redslime
445X V3ZX
by David Wonn
By David Wonn
sent in by Hologramomega
sent in by Glitch Master Busta
sent in by ensockerbagare
sent in by Flying Omelette
sent in by redslime
by David Wonn
sent in by Glitch Masta Buzda
by David Wonn
sent in by Curtis Armstrong
sent in by Ouchmyface@aol.com
sent in by Cl0vis15
by David Wonn & Jeff Walker
by David Wonn
sent in by Brandon Marks
sent in by Randy Solem
sent in by The Shadow
by David Wonn
sent in by dvdmth
sent in by dvdmth
sent in by dvdmth
sent in by dvdmth
sent in by Rick (Lickichu)
sent in by Cl0vis15
sent in by Cl0vis15
sent in by MyuuToo@aol.com
sent in by Andrew Rae
sent in by Andrew Rae
sent in by Rick (Lickichu)
sent in by redslime
sent in by mercatfat
sent in by abonetochew
sent in by Jess
sent in by Rick L
sent in by Tom Otting
sent in by Rick L
sent in by Sb27441
Password CRACKED By Rick (Lickichu)
A1, A5, C3, E1, E5.
by David Wonn
2. You'll start out with all weapons, infinite
missiles, and infinite energy (preferred).
by David Wonn
password CRACKED by David Wonn (circa 1990)
Mother brain_
(make sure to put a space where you see a _ symbol)
sent in by Chris J. D.
sent in by Glitch Masta Buzda
(thanks to the
Metroid DataBase)
1) Open a door.
2) Stand in the doorway, preferably facing outward, and let the door close
around you (so that you are caught in the door). It's a good idea to try to
time a short jump with the closing of the door so you can make sure you're
3) Start jumping rapidly (this is where a Turbo controller comes in real
4) As you are jumping, tap DOWN on the control pad (or joystick) every once
in a while so that Samus turns into a ball for a split second and jumps out
in a while so that Samus turns into a ball for a split second and jumps out
of it immediately.
5) Each time Samus jumps out of the ball, she should work her way up the wall
just a bit.
6) Once Samus nears the top of the screen, allow the scrolling to catch up
with her by jumping repeatedly without pressing DOWN. This will scroll the
screen down so that Samus will have more room to work up the wall. If you
make Samus jump out of the top of the screen, it will scroll upwards instead
and Samus will either get stuck or come up from the bottom.
1) Let the door close around you as above.
2) Press Up and Down on the control pad (or joystick, which is recommended)
rapidly, so again, Samus starts turning into a ball and jumps out of it right
away, causing the same effect which allows her to work up the wall.
*note:not only can either of these "wall jumps" find the secret worlds, but
can also be used in shortcutting through most of Zebes!!
1) Pause the game
2) On controller 2, press UP and the A button at the same time
3) The game will stop and it'll show you your password.
sent in by Arend Remsen
* You start with the ball, but can go fetch another one.
* You don't have the Long Jump boots, but they aren't around to pick
* The missle door to the long beam is open, but you haven't
collected it yet.
* Kraid and Ridley's statues have been activated(as well as the door
to them opened) to get into Tourian, but they aren't dead yet.
* Mother Brain can also fail to show up like with your code,
however, if she is there you can scroll back and forth to make
chunks of her sprites dissapear until the way is cleared. The
text about getting the hell out will be there, but will be brown
in the space that is usually occupied by MB. All but a couple
Zebetites will have flown the coop, too.
* Since you don't have the LJ boots available to you, you can't get
the Varia.
* Other misc. missle doors throughout the planet will be opened.
sent in by dvdmth
sent in by dvdmth
sent in by dvdmth
sent in by dvdmth
sent in by Glitch Masta Buzda
sent in by Rick (Lickichu)
sent in by Kyle Guthrie
I tried my old code on other levels. I couldn't time it just right. But I
did do it in the school in the basement right before I fought every boss in
the game. It sent me straight to Freddy and when I beat him, it went to the
screen that said all on how you beat Freddy, but the 1, 2 Freddys coming for
you music played. When the words for now or whatever appared the music
stopped altogether. I started a new game and was immeditly asleep. Best
part... you'll see. Try it.
If you can't do it, here it is.
You can play as FREDDY!!! Only you can't attack. Whoops! And It only works
until you enter a house. Guess Freddy dosen't like fans impostering him.
sent in by Rick L.
sent in by Dark Warrior
sent in by Andracsek
sent in by T.R.M.
sent in by Andracsek
by David Wonn
by David Wonn
by David Wonn
by David Wonn
by David Wonn
passwords CRACKED by David Wonn
sent in by Flying Omelette
sent in by Brandon Marks
sent in by Elliot
sent in by Kyle Guthrie
sent in by Cactuar
by David Wonn
Did you know...?
sent in by Brandon Marks
by David Wonn
by Jeff Walker
sent in by Another Gamer
sent in by Randy Solem
by David Wonn
by David Wonn
by David Wonn
by David Wonn
by Jeff Walker
sent in by Victreebel64
sent in by Glitch Masta Buzda
ex. 0=====0
1 1
1 <------aim your jump at the arrow's tip
by David Wonn
sent in by Jeremy Stone
sent in by Jeremy Stone
sent in by Jeremy Stone
by Jeff Walker
by David Wonn
(NES version only)
by David Wonn
2. W3-1 to W5-1
3. W4-2 to W6-1
4. W5-3 to W7-1
5. W6-1 to W6-1
by Jeff Walker (circa 1989)
by David Wonn
by David Wonn
by David Wonn
by David Wonn
by David Wonn
photo courtesy of redslime
by David Wonn
by David Wonn
photos courtesy of redslime
I'm not even close to revealing
all there is to know about SMB2...
Destroy Birdo with Invincibility!
by David Wonn
by David Wonn
by David Wonn
Did you know...?
by David Wonn
by David Wonn
by David Wonn
sent in by cracked8ball@webtv.net
by David Wonn
sent in by Victreebel64
sent in by Victreebel64
sent in by Victreebel64
sent in by Victreebel64
by David Wonn
by David Wonn
by David Wonn
by David Wonn
by David Wonn
by David Wonn
by David Wonn
by David Wonn
by David Wonn
sent in by Nicholas Harvey
sent in by Nicholas Harvey
sent in by Nicholas Harvey
sent in by Rick L
by David Wonn
by David Wonn
by David Wonn
by David Wonn
sent in by Cl0vis15
sent in by Cl0vis15
by David Wonn
by David Wonn
by David Wonn
sent in by Curtis Armstrong
sent in by Curtis Armstrong
sent in by Curtis Armstrong
sent in by Curtis Armstrong
sent in by Curtis Armstrong
sent in by Victreebel64
CRACKED by David Wonn
sent in by Luis Vasquez
sent in by Curtis Armstrong
sent in by Frank
You | Team | Computer |
C3 | Indianapolis | BFFEA4 |
C6 | Miami | BFFDA3 |
C9 | Cleveland | BFFBA1 |
CC | Denver | AFF7AD |
93 | Seattle | AFEFA5 |
96 | Los Angeles | 9FDFA5 |
99 | Washington | 7FBFA5 |
9C | San Francisco | 3F7FA5 |
63 | Dallas | AEFFA5 |
66 | New York | 9DFFA5 |
69 | Chicago | 7BFFA5 |
6C | Minnesota | 37FFA5 |
33 | Inv. Indy | |
36 | Inv. Miami | |
39 | Inv. Cleveland | |
3C | Inv. Denver |
For example, if you wanted to use San Francisco against
Denver, just take 9C from the left and AFF7AD on the right to form 9CAFF7AD.
Simple. You can pick and match any teams as you so choose. Try playing
against the same team for the ultimate challenge!
For even more fun, try out the invisible teams.
The graphics will mess up and turn gray on the NES version, and it's difficult
to see where your players are. You may also get stuck when you try to do
some offensive plays, so if this happens, you'll have to reset. On the
bright side, you will have players with absolutely phenomenal capabilities.
Some of the players on the Invisible Cleveland team can run the full 100
yards in just a few seconds! Now go out there and run up those scores!
See pictures of the invisible team glitch.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Classic Rocksteady Cheat
sent in by Glitch Masta Buzda
All you have to do is reach level one's final boss (Rocksteady) and then stand on the edge of the boxes on the right. Then choose Donatello and when Rocksteady comes to the boxes aim your bo down everytime Rocksteady jumps. Just keep doing this until he's destroyed. Trust me you'll need it for this difficult game!!
Get a free Tetris!
sent in by Rick L
Wait for the demo mode to start. It'll get one of two tetrises. When the screen flashes, hit the start button, and set up any game as usual. The screen will flash for a few seconds and you'll get credit for a tetris!
Trolls on Treasure Island
Move edited level glitch
sent in by Rick (Lickichu)
Start the game on the map screen, but don't press A!
Go to the "Edit" selection, press start, so the magnifying glass turns into a
shovel, and then press A. If it goes to a place near the lake, edit your level,
beat it, and try to make another one on the island in the upper
right corner. It'll be the same one you made!
If this doesn't happen, Go to the place where there
are houses and trees in this formation.
T= Tree, H= House X= Edit here
Edit a level in there, beat it, and make another one
on the island. Now, once both levels have been edited,
Go in between the two with the "Shovel" cursor on and
keep hitting the A button. Now, press start. If you're
lucky, the first level you made will be in the new
spot, but this seems to happen only 80% of the time.
Enjoy what you can do with this trick!
Zelda 2
Go through locked doors easily
Have you ever wanted to go through a locked door
inside a temple but didn't have a key? Well, you can get through without a
key! As long as you have the Fairy spell, just activate it and fly through
the upper portion of any locked door, just above the keyhole. Piece of
cake! :-)
Glitch up Darunia
In the town of Darunia, you can jump onto some buildings that are very high
up on the screen - so high that jumping will allow you to jump above the top
of the screen (assuming that you used the high jump spell to get up there -
I know of no other way to get up). Ready your fairy spell. As Link jumps
high enough for most or all of him to no longer be visible, use the fairy
spell. Press up and you will see Link falling like he usually does when
going down a secret hole.
Upon landing, you will be in a weird town, which is just a combination of
parts of other towns. Exiting the east side of the town will cause you to be
stuck in the ocean and the west side will take you out where you should be.
If you repeatedly enter the house near the west exit, the town will glitch
further. More Fairy weridness
In Zelda 2, get the Jump and Fairy spells.
The next part you can do in several spots, with different results.
You can go in several of the palaces, where you can jump off the
top of the screen, or you can go to the town north of the cave which
is north of the town to the west of where you use the Pegasus boots.
(I hope that part made sense.) Anyway, use the jump spell to gain
more jumping height, and jump off the top of the screen - if you can
get behind the status bar at the top of the screen, you're high
enough. Then, cast the fairy spell, before you come back down.
It'll show the screen where Link is falling, and you'll end up in
a different part of town, a different town, a glitched town, or
something else, depending on where you did the glitch, how you did
it, and other stuff.
If you did this in a palace, you'll be teleported to another part
of the palace (usually). When you do this in that town, it can
cause some really interesting bugs that can also result in being
teleported to parts of the map that you normally can't get to (because
it's all mountains and you can't move once you go there :D).
It seems like this bug would have some other useful effects, but I
never really found anything useful. But it's sure fun to play with. :) Turn Link Blue
Go in any town. Select any magic beside the Fairy spell. Select the
Shield spell, and when you're near a character, turn on the magic.
While Link is blue, quickly talk to the character before Link already
got the magic on. After the talk, Link will stay that color, blue!
Stay tuned for more!
If you think the Metroid password was cool, you haven't seen anything
yet! Sometime in the future I plan on revealing how to design your own
password for Metroid. I may post it in yet another hidden page, and if
so I will announce when it's up.
Your video games will never be the same again!
by David Wonn
sent in by O'dell Hicks
sent in by sl1me
sent in by Jason Brace